Chapter 25

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Dantes pov

I can feel my blood boiling as I pace back and forth in my penthouse. It's been four weeks since I last saw Amaya and I can't take it anymore. My mind is racing with all sorts of crazy thoughts and I can't seem to calm down.

I grab my phone and dial her number for what feels like the hundredth time. But once again, it goes straight to voicemail. I throw my phone across the room in frustration. How could she do this to me? Just disappear without a word?

I start to pace faster, my heart pounding in my chest. I can't believe she would leave without saying goodbye. Doesn't she know how much she means to me? How much I need her?

I run my fingers through my hair, trying to calm myself down. But the anger and frustration just keep bby building up inside of me. I can't take it anymore. I need to see her. I need to talk to her.

I grab my keys and storm out of my penthouse, not even bothering to lock the door behind me. I drive recklessly through the streets, my mind consumed with thoughts of Amaya. I don't even care about getting pulled over at this point.

I need to see her, talk to her, know that she's okay. I jump in my car and speed to her house, not caring about the traffic laws. I just need to see her.

I finally arrive at her house and I practically run up to the front door. I knock loudly, hoping she'll answer, but there's no response. I knock again, harder this time, and still nothing.

My mind starts to play out all sorts of scenarios. Did she leave me for someone else? Did she just get tired of me? I can feel my chest tightening with every passing second.

I frantically paced around my office, my mind racing with worry and frustration. Amaya, had gone for a month and I had no clue where she could be. The thought of her in danger sent shivers down my spine. I knew I had to act fast, and the only person I could trust to help me was my best hacker, zaine.

I quickly dialed his number, my heart pounding as I waited for him to pick up. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he answered. I wasted no time in explaining the situation to him, my voice filled with urgency. I asked him to use his skills to track Amaya's whereabouts.

zaine was always my go-to person when it came to hacking. he had never failed me before, and I was counting on him to find any leads on Amaya's location. But to my dismay, Zaine informed me that he couldn't track Amaya. My heart sank as I tried to comprehend the situation. How could he not track her? I knew for a fact that zaine was the best hacker in the business.

Frustrated and desperate, I demanded that he will try harder. But zaine stood his ground and refused to go against her morals. She believed in protecting people's privacy, even if it meant not being able to help her closest friend. I couldn't believe it. I was running out of options and time, and Luna was my last hope.

Without any other choice, I decided to take a different route. I remembered that Amaya had a best friend, Luna's , who was always with her. Maybe she knew something that could help me. I asked zaine to take me to her, but he hesitated. He knew how fiercely loyal Luna was to Amaya, and she feared her friend would never betray her trust.

But I was desperate, and I begged and pleaded with zaine until he finally gave in. We arrived at her house, and I practically ran to amayas best friend, hoping she would have some information about Amaya's whereabouts. But to my dismay, she refused to tell me anything.

Luna, who I had always considered a good friend as well, stood in front of me with tears in her eyes. She said, 'Over my dead body, Dante. I won't say where Amaya is. I made a promise to her, and I intend to keep it.' I couldn't believe it. My own sister's friend was willing to go to such lengths to protect her. It was then I realized the depth of their friendship.

My frustration turned into sadness as I realized I had no other options left. I had to find Amaya on my own, and I knew it wouldn't be easy.

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