Chapter 19

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In that grim cell, my world teetered on the edge of despair. Tortured by the Ukraine mafia for my family's secrets, I held steadfast, refusing to betray them. Bruised and battered, hope flickered as I wondered if anyone would rescue me.

Then, a tumult outside the cell seized my attention. Fists striking and gunshots echoed, and through the small window, Dante, the feared leader of the rival mafia, emerged, navigating the chaos of the Ukraine mafia's hideout.

Unbelieving, I watched Dante effortlessly dismantle my captors. A man of few words, his actions spoke volumes. Witnessing him fight for me, a member of a rival family, filled me with awe and gratitude.

The relentless battle persisted. The Ukraine mafia, notorious for brutality, resisted Dante's onslaught. Yet, undeterred, Dante and his mafia pressed forward, driven by the urgency to save me and vanquish their adversaries.

As Dante approached my cell, determination radiated from his eyes. He had a purpose, and he wouldn't leave without me. The cell door swung open, and Dante stood before me, hand outstretched. Without hesitation, I grasped his hand, and together, we fought our way out

The final confrontation unfolded in the main hall, where the Ukraine mafia leader awaited. A massive figure with a scarred face and cold gaze, he circled Dante. In a blur of violence, a fierce battle ensued. Though evenly matched, Dante delivered a decisive blow, leading to the surrender of the Ukraine mafia.

I hear Dante yelling, 'Kill them all!' That is the last thing I heard before fainting.

Slowly opening my eyes, my head throbbing, I found myself in an unfamiliar bedroom with sunlight streaming through the window. Trying to recall the events of the night, all I remembered was a sudden wave of dizziness and then darkness. Panic rose as I noticed Dante's familiar face and his strong arm around me, in his bed. Why was I here?

Dante stirred awake, seeing my attempt to get out of bed. Calmly, he explained, 'Amaya, it's okay. You fainted last night, and I brought you here to rest.' Confused, I questioned how I ended up in his bed. Dante softened, holding my hand, 'I couldn't leave you there, you looked so pale and weak. I didn't want to take any chances, so I brought you here to rest.'

His caring gesture melted my heart, but confusion lingered. 'Why didn't you take me to a hospital? And why am I in your bed?' Dante took a deep breath, 'I didn't want anyone to know about your fainting spell. As for your bed, it was the closest place to take care of you.' Realization hit me; Dante respected my privacy and had cared for me gently. 'Thank you, Dante. I didn't mean to cause you any trouble,' I expressed, feeling gratitude. Dante smiled, brushing a strand of hair away, 'It's no trouble at all, Amaya. I'm just glad you're feeling better now.'

In the quiet of the morning, a growing attraction towards Dante filled me. His concern touched my heart, and I couldn't deny the chemistry. Leaning closer, I felt his breath, no we can't do this he hurt me so bad and yet he cared about me.

'What do you want?' i snapped at him, my voice trembling with emotion. 'You think you can just kiss another girl and then come back to me as if everything is okay?'

My heart races as I feel Dante's hand on my shoulder. Unbelievable. Just three days ago, I witnessed him kissing Stella in the hot tub. And now, here he is, attempting to touch me as if nothing happened. I can't take it. I pull away from his touch, my eyes blazing with anger.

Does he think he can just kiss another girl and then return to me like everything's okay?

Dante's face falls as he realizes the gravity of the situation. Lost in his feelings for me, he forgot about the kiss with Stella. Now, he's paying the price for his mistake.

'I'm sorry, Amaya,' he said, his voice filled with remorse. 'I know I messed up. I shouldn't have kissed Stella. But please, let me explain.'

I feel my eyes welling up with tears as i listened to him. I couldn't believe that he would do something like this. I had been fucking for a long time, and deep down i always liked him. But now, it seemed like everything was falling apart.

'Why did you do it, Dante?' i asked, my voice cracking. 'Did you not care about me at all?'

Dantes pov:

My heart aches seeing the tears in Amaya's eyes. I never wanted to hurt her, but I can't deny my feelings for her. I take a deep breath before I speak.

'I did it because I liked you, Amaya,' I confess, looking into her eyes. 'I know it may not make sense, but I was trying to forget about you. I thought if I kissed someone else, I could stop liking you i dont know what you're doing to me. But I was wrong. I can't just turn off my feelings for you.'

Her anger transforms into confusion. I can't fathom why I tried to forget about her when we weren't even dating. Deep down, she can't deny her feelings for me.

'You don't have to forget about me, Dante,' she softly says. 'I've liked you for so long, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But seeing you kiss someone else made me realize that I can't keep denying my feelings.'

My heart skips a beat hearing her words. I can't believe she feels the same. Gently wiping away her tears, I pull her into a hug.

'I'm sorry, Amaya,' I whisper. 'I promise I'll make it up to you. I don't want to lose you.'

She melts into my embrace, and I feel a mix of relief and happiness. We may not be dating, but our feelings for each other are undeniable.

My heart sinks at the thought of Amaya leaving. I hope she suggests staying longer. 'Do you have to go? Can't you stay a little longer?' I ask with a hint of desperation.

She smiles, flattered. 'I wish I could, but I have to rest at home.'

My mind races. 'Well, I could drop you off at home. It's not safe for a young lady to be walking alone at night,' I suggest, hoping she'll take the bait.

Amaya hesitates, not wanting to impose. 'That's very kind of you, but I don't want to be a bother. I'll be fine.'

I can't bear the thought of her walking home alone. 'Please, let me take you home. It's no bother at all. I insist,' I plead.

She sees my genuine concern and agrees. 'Okay, but just to make you feel better.'

My face lights up. 'Great! Let's go,' I say, offering my hand.

As we walk to my car, I feel grateful for this chance to spend more time with Amaya, hoping it will lead to more moments like this.

We chat on the drive, and as we pull up to her house, I feel a pang of sadness, knowing our day is ending.

'Thank you for everything, Dante,' Amaya says, unbuckling her seatbelt.

My heart skips. 'Be safe, Amaya,' I reply, trying to hide my longing.

She smiles, hoping for more moments like this. 'Definitely,' she says before getting out of the car. I watch her walk up to her front door.


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