Chapter 12

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Lunas pov:

The next day, things were surprisingly neat in my house. The hardworking maid had cleaned up the mess from my emotional breakdown, making my room look tidy again.

When the sunlight came in through the curtains, a makeup stylist and a hairstylist arrived. They brought a lot of stuff with them. I sat in front of a new dresser with makeup and brushes. The makeup stylist made my features look better, using colors that suited my face. At the same time, the hairstylist made a fancy hairstyle with delicate strands framing my face. It felt like they were trying to hide the emotions inside me, making me look normal on the outside.

The room buzzed with the sound of hairdryers and the stylists talking. It was different from the heavy silence the room had yesterday. I felt like I was watching my own life, stuck between the reality of my unwanted engagement and the fake appearance they were creating.

When they finished, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a more polished version of the girl who had a tough night destroying her room. The makeup stylist smiled, and the hairstylist nodded in approval.

Putting on the fancy engagement dress, I couldn't ignore the gap between the image they were creating and the chaos inside me. The artists are finally gone now im alone sitting infront of my mirror

Amayas pov:

Alone in the classroom during the last period, I anxiously glanced around, hoping for Luna to show up or at least send a message.

Dante, with his brooding presence, entered the room. His ocean eyes bore into me with an unsettling intensity, and I tried to bury myself in my textbook, avoiding his intense gaze. But his stare felt like a heavy weight, impossible to ignore.

Unable to hold back, Dante finally spoke, his words dripping with toxicity, "Luna not coming today? Maybe she realized you're not worth her time."

I sighed, attempting to brush off his comment. "She's busy, that's all."

Dante chuckled, a derisive edge to his voice. "Busy or avoiding you? Maybe she finally saw through your act. You know, you're not as important as you think."

Feeling the sting of his words, I shot back, "Maybe you should focus on your own business, Dante, instead of being obsessed with other people's lives."

Dante leaned in, his eyes narrowing with a malicious gleam. "I just find it amusing when people like you act like you have it all figured out. Reality has a way of catching up."

The toxic exchange left an uneasy tension in the air as the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Shaken but defiant, I gathered my belongings and left the room, leaving Dante's weird gaze behind.

Lunas pov:

Walking down the fancy stairs felt like stepping into a golden cage of expectations. People were gathered, talking excitedly in the fancy hall. The pretty lights made everything look special for this engagement.

The guy waiting for me looked good im happy that's its not an old men, but deep down, I really didn't like him. I put on a smile, hiding the mess of feelings inside.

As I got closer, we shook hands - a polite move, but it didn't hide the fact that I didn't want to be there. Everyone around us was happy, saying nice things about us, thinking we were a perfect couple.

Our hands together felt fake, showing unity when, really, we didn't agree on anything. People kept saying nice things, but each word reminded me of traditions and family expectations. The engagement ring, a symbol of commitment, felt heavy and not like my choice at all.

In the middle of the "happy" moment, with people laughing and talking, I hid how I really felt. The engagement went on with smiles and good wishes, but behind the pretty outside, my heart was saying no to a relationship I didn't choose.

In the midst of the celebration, I approached the man I was reluctantly engaged to. His strained smile barely concealed the tension.

"Luna," he acknowledged, his greeting tinged with an underlying bitterness.

Summoning my courage, I hesitated before speaking, "I can't do this. I can't go through with this engagement. It's not what I want."

His eyes, once polite, transformed into cold glares as he shot back, "Well, isn't that convenient? Because, believe me, I don't want to be engaged to someone like you either. You think you're so special, but you're just another spoiled brat."

The tension in the air is thick. I stood my ground, vulnerable yet determined, responding, "I never asked for this either. We're both stuck in a situation neither of us wanted. Maybe it's time to admit that and find a way out."

His laughter, dripping with mockery, filled the uneasy silence. "You really think you can just walk away, Luna? This engagement is happening, whether you like it or not. So, put on your little act, smile for the guests, and pretend you're happy. It's what we both have to do now."

In the middle of the engagement party, I slipped into the kitchen for a break. The air felt heavy, and the tension with the guy I had to marry was like a dark cloud over everything.

I didn't know he had followed me. While I tried to pour myself some water, he came up, talking mean and threatening. "You think you can just escape, Luna? This engagement is happening, and you better get that through your thick skull."

Feeling angry and desperate, I turned, trying to use a knife to defend myself. But I messed up, and the knife ended up cutting my own hand. He grabbed my wrist, took the knife away, and looked at me with this nasty expression.

"You're not as clever as you think, Luna. Remember your place," he sneered, leaving me alone in the kitchen, nursing a hurt hand and facing the harsh truth of my situation.

Dialing Amaya's number, my fingers trembled with nervous anticipation. As she answered, I could feel the urgency in my voice.

"Amaya, we need to talk in person. It's important," I conveyed, the weight of the words hanging between us.

Amaya, picking up on the seriousness, asked, "Sure, Luna. What's going on?"

"I can't come to school tomorrow. There's something I need to sort out. Can we meet somewhere? Just you and me?" I requested, the gravity of the situation apparent in my hesitant words.

Amaya, understanding the significance, agreed, "Of course, Luna. Let's meet. Where do you want to talk?" I suggested a quiet park


So, this is Chapter 12. I will create a second book about Luna and her man. I don't know when I will publish that one, but I hope to do it after I finish writing this story.

My instagram: zeyyfr1

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