Chapter 2

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Me and Luna were getting ready for the party, feeling really excited. We are in my room, laughing and picking out outfits for Luna.

Luna went through my clothes, saying, " do you think this black dress would look great on me?"

I smiled and said, "yesss is that even a question go try it!"

luna went into the bathroom to change, and when she came out, i was amazed, saying, "You look amazing!"

As Luna picked out some accessories, we talked about the party.

"I hope there's good music," Luna said, playing with a necklace.

I agreed, adding, "And some good snacks."

We both laughed, enjoying each other's company. While putting on makeup, Luna said, "Thanks for helping me choose. I feel better now."

I smiled, saying, "Anytime, Luna. We'll have a great time at the party!" we linked arms, ready to go out

Amaya and I arrived at the big, noisy party. The music was so loud that you could feel it in your chest, and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Luna and I walked into the party, and we saw many people, maybe around 200. We walked onto the dance floor and started to dance. I didn't know that Luna could dance so well.

Luna like the bad bitch she is began to twerk on me. "Okay, girl, I feel you." After a while, I said, "Let's get some drinks in the kitchen." We walked to the kitchen, the music slowly fading away. I saw Lucas with the same girl from school; he was fucking her on the kitchen table. is he serious?

"Amaya, am I seeing this right? These dumbasses forgot to lock the door," Luna says with disbelief.

"Well, well, well, Lucas, enjoy yourself!" I say, clapping my hands, my voice layered with a mix of sarcasm and hurt.

"Amaya, it doesn't seem like what you think it is," Lucas stammers, his shock evident.

"Stop it! You were cheating on me the whole time. I'm so done with you. Every time you're controlling me, but who are you to tell me what to do? Never show up in my face," I say, my voice trembling with a blend of anger and pain. I feel like I can't breathe. I take Luna's arm, and we walk to the toilet, locking the door behind us.

"Amaya, are you okay?" Luna asked, her eyes showing concern. im, trying to stay calm, i shook my head. "I didn't know Lucas would be here. I need a moment," i whispered, feeling disappointed. In the small bathroom, my emotions took over. The loud music seemed to match my distressed heart as i leaned against the sink, tears filling my eyes. Luna, stood beside me, offering comfort without words.

"It's okay to feel upset, Amaya," Luna reassured. With a shaky breath, I agreed. The weight of unexpected heartache was heavy on me, and I broke down in front of her.

"It's okay, let it out," Luna said, wiping my tears away. "Luna, you know I feel like something stabbed me in my heart," I said, still crying.

"I know, baby," she said.

After some time, my emotions started to calm down. Luna suggested taking deep breaths, assuring me that we could decide what to do next. I nodded, grateful for Luna's steady support.

With a final deep breath, I get myself together. Luna, sensing a need for change, says, "How about we go back out? You don't have to face Lucas if you don't want to. We can enjoy the party in our own way."

Luna, still wiping away my tears, i nod in agreement. We leave the bathroom, returning to the lively party. Luna, always a good friend, leads me to a different part of the room, away from Lucas.

Luna and I head back to the party. She spots a nice boy across the room, nudging me and saying, "Look at him! He seems cool, maybe something for you. What do you think?" Blushing, I nod, interested in meeting someone new. He's 6.4 feet tall, has green eyes, and fluffy hair. I can see his muscles through his shirt.

"You know, Amaya, the best way to forget about someone is to fuck with someone new," Luna suggests. "Hmm, I wish I could fuck him," I respond, wondering why I'm acting like this. I just broke up with my ex; is it too soon?

"Go to him and start a conversation," Luna whispers in my ear, playfully slapping me on the ass and hyping me up. Here I am, walking over to him. He looks at me and says, "Hey, beautiful." Damn, I just know that I'm blushing so bad now.

"Hey, are you alone here?" I ask him.

"I was until you came," he responds to me.

"So, what happened in the kitchen?" he asks me. I feel damn embarrassed.

"Nothing," I respond back.

"That's why you were yelling; everyone could hear you," he says. Now I have to tell him what happened.

"Oh, my boyfriend cheated," I say with a shaky breath.

"You know the best way to forget about someone is to fu-," he begins, but I cut him off. "Fuck someone?" I say.

"Mhmm," I look into his green eyes, and he looks back at me. I slowly begin to feel close to him. His lips touch mine; it feels so good, so soft. He kisses me like he has never kissed someone.

"Let's go to the room upstairs," he says, holding my hand.
next chapter is smutt alert so be prepared
Instagram: zeyyfr1

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