Chapter 27

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Amayas pov:

my phone constantly buzzing and ringing with calls from Dante. Despite repeatedly ignoring and blocking his number, he still managed to find a way to spam me with messages and calls. It was clear that he wasn't going to give up easily and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

Just then, Luna walked into the room and saw the look of annoyance on my face. She immediately knew what was going on and sighed, 'Ugh, is that Dante again?'

I nodded, feeling a mix of irritation and helplessness. 'He just doesn't get the hint, does he? I've told him multiple times that I don't want anything to do with him anymore without telling him.'

Luna gave me a sympathetic look and said, 'I know it's hard, but maybe you should just pick up his calls and tell him directly that you're done with him. It might be the only way to get through to him.'

I hesitated, not wanting to engage with Dante any further. But Luna's words struck a chord with me and I realized that she was right. I needed to put an end to this once and for all.

With a deep breath, I picked up the phone as it rang yet again. Dante's voice immediately came through, full of desperation and pleading. But this time, I didn't let him finish. I interrupted him and told him firmly that I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I could hear the shock and hurt in his voice, but I didn't let it affect me. It was time for me to stand my ground and move on from this little thing

Luna gave me a proud smile as I hung up the phone, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. It wasn't easy, but I knew it was the right decision. From that moment on i guess.

Dantes pov:

out of nowhere Amaya called me and said she didn't want anything to do with me anymore. I was shocked and confused, trying to understand why she would say such a thing. But she was firm in her decision and hung up, leaving me in a state of disbelief.

I couldn't believe that the person I loved and cared for so deeply would just give up on me like that. I tried calling her back, but she wouldn't answer. I was left with a heavy heart and a sense of anger building up inside me. I couldn't just let her go without an explanation.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to find a guard standing there, telling me to calm down and stop causing a disturbance. But I was too far gone to listen to reason. Without thinking, I grabbed the guard and started attacking him. He tried to defend himself, but my rage was too strong. I didn't care about the consequences or the fact that I was hurting someone. I took me gun and pulled the trigger and shot him in his head.

What could possibly be going through Amaya's mind? I have never felt such strong emotions for someone before, and now she wants me to stop caring about her. But I know deep down she will regret saying that because someday she will come back to me. Even though I am not supposed to care about her, I still do. It's hard to let go of someone who has left such a strong mark on my heart. I can't help but wonder what she is thinking and if she truly understands the impact she has had on my life. Maybe one day, she will realize the depth of my feelings for her and come back to me. Until then, I will try to move on, but a part of me will always care about her.

It was a beautiful sunny day and I was strolling through the park, my hand resting on my small baby bump. As a first-time mother, I was filled with excitement and anticipation for the arrival of my little one. But suddenly, a wave of worry washed over me as I thought about all the things that could go wrong during my pregnancy im almost 2 months pregnant. I started to imagine worst-case scenarios and my heart began to race. What if something happens to me or my baby? What if I'm not a good enough mother? These thoughts consumed me and I couldn't shake them off.

Just as I was about to break down in tears, I heard a familiar voice calling out my name. It was Luna, my best friend and the godmother of my baby. She came running towards me, her long hair flowing behind her and a concerned look on her face. She could sense that something was wrong and immediately asked me what was bothering me. I opened up to her, sharing my fears and anxieties about my pregnancy.

Luna listened patiently and then gently placed her hand on my shoulder. 'I understand that you're worried, but you need to calm down for the sake of your baby,' she said in a soothing voice. 'Stressing out is not good for you or the baby. Remember, you are strong and capable. You will be a wonderful mother.'

Her words of reassurance and comfort instantly calmed me down. I took a deep breath and felt a sense of peace wash over me. Luna was right, I needed to stay calm and positive for the well-being of my baby. I looked down at my bump and placed my hand on it, feeling my little one kick in response.

Luna and I sat down on a nearby bench and she reminded me of all the happy moments we have shared together. She reminded me of all the times I have overcome challenges and how strong I am. She also shared some personal anecdotes from her own pregnancy, making me realize that my fears were common among expecting mothers.

As we chatted, I felt my worries slowly melt away. I was grateful to have such a caring friend by my side. Luna's calming presence and wise words gave me the strength and confidence I needed. We ended our conversation with a hug and I promised her that I would try my best to stay positive for the remainder of my pregnancy.




A short scene but little spoiler Amaya will go back to her hometown

Instagram: zeyyfr1

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