Rejecting their gifts

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"Mei Xing, return the gift back to the kids, I will get you a perfect necklace tomorrow." Yan Feng said coldly. The kids looked at their funny uncle.

  Henry raised his eyebrows. "But Uncle Feng you just complimented me when I brought out the gift box from the kitchen," Henry declared looking disapproved. Hazel came close to Yan Feng and stretched her hand further to pinch him but Yan Feng was observant enough to hold her hand.

    "Ouch, uncle you are hurting me." Hazel cried. Mei Xing pushed Yan Feng, but funny enough her strength was no way to compare to his. Yan Feng remains constant without moving an inch. "Yan Feng, please leave the baby independently." Mei Xing pleaded then Yan Feng left Hazel alone and looked at Mei Xing eyeball to eyeball. Mei Xing's leg got weak in an instant. "Aunty accept my gift please," Henry said as a little drop of tears flowed out of his small gray eyes. Henry's cuteness was irresistible then Mei Xing tried to look off the cute look that he put on his little face. "Okay, I accept your gift." Mei Xing said and collected the gift without minding her husband's cold expression.

    Then the little lad cleaned his face with a blue handkerchief and blew his nose. Heuk Heuk kid?
    Mei Xing felt a bit irritated and tried to look at her two husbands faces, oh they were plain jealous? Am not going to have any business with a married man never!?
    "Am hungry uncle," Henry ran to hug Yan Feng's long legs then Mei Xing spoke with amusement. "Okay...first go and take your shower the food will be then in the dining room you " Mei Xing smiled and walked upstairs to the kitchen.

    *          *          *
  In the kitchen, Mei Xing was holding a cooking pot in one hand, and lifting a spoon in the other hand. She was holding her breath and staring ahead, without any awareness of another explosion in the kitchen!
    The food got burnt then Mei Xing handed the pot over to Quan Yu. "Please Quan Yu, use the spoon to scrub the burnt part in the pot." Mei Xing said. Then Quan Yu held the pot in one hand and left.

      All of a sudden, there was a bang at the door. Mei Xing looked at the entrance in surprise, and it happened to be Yan Feng.
    Suddenly, Yan Feng stopped and looked at her coldly! He looked at her with his sharp eyes and found nothing different except her dirty face!
"What's wrong?" Mei Xing was a little confused and startled, looking at the two bronze feet on the door side in an embarrassed way. Did the boss have an emergency? Why are you so impatient?
    "What, Are you okay? "
'I don't think your focus should be on Mei Xing now, Yan Feng. What will happen next is definitely not your fault but hers in the kitchen!'
The snow-white wall was as dark as ink, which was even more remarkable than the floral face of Mei Xing! Because it was a masterpiece of hers, the wall on the front had been completely destroyed. It was better to have the whole kitchen repaired than to do the cleaning. The sink was full of bowls and dishes, and more of them were the trial works from the hands.
    "I'm almost done!" Mei Xing said with a big smile. Although she wiped the sweat off her forehead, she was in a better mood than ever! She was busy around the table, decorating the dining table, and so on. That was one of her favorite things.
Yan Feng was about to speak but stopped on a second thought his brothers were not here to see how this savage wife blackened the kitchen walls.

    His usual cold face started to crack. Really Mei Xing messed the kitchen up purposely as a punishment for her adamant husbands.
    Fortunately, the food there was so eye-catching In addition to her cooking skills. Yan Feng never knew he could deceive himself.
He didn't even bother to take a glance at his wife. To his surprise, he didn't even blame her when he saw her little dirty face.
It was just a big expensive kitchen For the sake of the delicious food cooked by Mei Xing, it was worth it. He didn't care about the money anymore or the kitchen walls.
Henry climbed to the table in haste and looked at the food with his little mouth-watering. He grinned and said, "Aunty, you are so good!" All the dishes were his and his sister's favorite as if they wrote them on Mei Xing's head.
    Hazel slowly put down her teddy and wanted to stall for more time. However, when she was carried to the dinner table by Yan Xun, she felt even more pain in her stomach.
Honestly, the food Mei Xing cooked looked delicious, just like the exquisite pictures from an expensive cookbook.
However, as they all knew, delicious food needed to be eaten~~~
    "Henry, eat slowly. No one is competing with you!" Mei Xing was pretending to complain, but the big smile on her face didn't betray her feelings. What could be more meaningful than making food for the kids who bought something special?
Meanwhile, Henry was stuffing the delicious food into his mouth, and his cheeks were bulging seriously. His big grey grape-like eyes stared at Yan Xun who was eating slowly, but no one took the food away. It was hard to say.
    In the eyes of Henry, the food cooked by his late mother was the best! But now he had found an alternative, When it came to delicious food, people always loved eating it. The three men sitting opposite him were his uncle. " Wifey you are the best cook." Yan Xun complimented her nicely. "Thank you Yan Xun, you are the best." Mei Xing replied sweetly. Now the remaining two husbands foolishly said. "You are the best cook wife." Mei Xing gave no response which made the two kids laugh. "Table manners kids." Mei Xing said. Then they continue eating, now Yan Feng gave her a deadly stare that send a cold shiver down her spine.

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