Chapter Nine

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The dance floor was filled with mostly couples, donning elegant attire in the form of fancy dresses and dress shirts. Ever since we arrived, I've been feeling uneasy in the dress Taylor picked out for me. Displaying my assets, especially in this way, wasn't my usual style.

I became distracted by silently appraising the people around me, failing to notice that Mr. Petrov, or Asher, had disappeared from our vicinity behind Taylor and me.

I scanned the floor, searching for him, and eventually, I caught sight of him leaning against the wet bar, his gaze fixed on me.

As I waved my hand to signal him, he shook his head in response. I felt puzzled as to why he wasn't joining us on the dance floor, especially since he was the one who had initially wanted to dance.

Out of nowhere, Taylor's hand clasped onto mine, and she started swaying her hips back and forth, twirling me in a rapid circle.

I didn't resist; instead, I started dancing in sync with her, mirroring her movements. The room quickly heated up as we danced together, occasionally brushing against people in the process.

Taylor whispered into my ear, "I knew you'd enjoy yourself!" She leaned in and raised her voice slightly for me to hear.

I flashed a smile at her, yet strangely, my gaze constantly gravitated towards Asher. Thinking about guys hadn't been a common occurrence for me since high school, but something was different now.

During my senior year, I dated a guy, but after that, I swore off dating until I was ready for something serious. Men rarely caught my attention, and I promised myself that when I moved here, I'd be more open to new experiences. However, it appeared that I had remained closed off.

There was no denying Asher's undeniable attractiveness. He embodied everything a girl could desire: a tall, muscular physique with a few tousled strands of hair that defied perfection. But what truly captivated me were those mesmerizing blue eyes of his.

I hadn't really noticed him until recently when he ended up sitting right beside me at the bar. It became a challenge to concentrate on anything else but him. I even feigned interest in Taylor's story about her ruined manicure at the nail salon just to keep my thoughts occupied.

As our eyes met once more, I felt a sudden urge to freeze and vanish, realizing he had been observing me dancing with Taylor all along.

A part of me wished he'd leave the bar and join us on the dance floor, while the more cautious side reminded me it wasn't wise to entertain such thoughts about my boss.

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