Chapter Twenty-Three

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Isabella and I didn't exchange many words during the following week, except for one instance when she entered my office to inform me that Kady and her lawyer had not reached a decision yet.

Today marked the first hearing, and even though I was confident the entire trial would probably work out in my favor, I couldn't shake the stress of having to navigate through it all.

I berated myself for marrying in the first place. Doubts had plagued me five years ago when I proposed, and I should have canceled the wedding and stuck to my original plan of staying single.

At least now I've gained wisdom from my mistakes. I wouldn't allow another woman to manipulate my feelings again. I'd return to my old ways of using women, as I did five years ago before meeting Kady, and I'd detach myself when they grew too emotionally involved.

Exiting my car, I leaned against one of the imposing pillars outside the courthouse, patiently waiting for Isabella to arrive.

I had volunteered to drive her and drop her off, knowing that she was already doing me a tremendous favor by taking my case as her very first. Right from the start, I had never questioned her abilities. I could see the motivation and determination in her green eyes every time I gazed into them.

I tucked my hands into my pockets, crossed one leg over the other, and fixed my gaze on the ground, allowing my thoughts to roam freely until they were interrupted by her.

When I looked up, my attention was drawn to the skirt she had chosen, which ended just above her knees, and the white blouse she had matched with it. She wore a sheer coverup with a golden belt to complete the ensemble.

As I started to speak a compliment, she swiftly raised her hand, dismissing me with a firm, "Don't even think about it, Mr. Petrov." I couldn't help but break into a smile as she strolled past me. After a moment, she came back and tugged at my jacket sleeve, signaling for me to follow her.

Observing the way she carried herself, I could tell that this career path would ultimately grant her unwavering confidence, and I admired that for her. My only wish was that she could find that same confidence within herself, independent of her career.

As we entered the expansive building, we were guided toward a room at the far end of a lengthy corridor filled with doors. Isabella's black high heels produced a distinct clacking sound on the linoleum floor, her hips moving gracefully with each step.

I cleared my throat and adjusted my tie as she glanced back at me, silently hoping that she hadn't noticed me stealing a glance at her.

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