Chapter Thirty-Six

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All eyes swiftly shifted to the ballroom entrance, and I was certain that only one family or one girl in particular possessed the ability to turn this many heads.

Observing her passage through the bustling crowd, I couldn't help but notice her slender, tanned leg subtly revealed by the slit in her lavender dress. It wasn't a rich, deep purple but rather a gentle, pastel shade.

I knew it would be challenging seeing her tonight, but I was surprised by the intensity of my emotions that resurfaced when I looked at her. She had a firm hold on my feelings, evident in the way my attention trailed her every move, as if an invisible force drew me nearer to her with each step she took.

Had my mother not intervened with their group, it's uncertain how determined I might have become to approach her. I possessed pressing questions requiring answers, yet all I wanted was simply to hear her voice and watch the way she would nibble her lower lip or fidget with her hands when she's nervous.

Kady leaned in close, whispering into my ear as we occupied one of the corner circle tables, "It appears your mother holds a deep affection for her family."

I had to commend my mother; she had orchestrated a stunning event, complete with elegant centerpieces and a wealth of luxurious details.

"Her mother and mine went to high school together," I responded, raising my champagne glass to my lips. It was clear that Kady wasn't thrilled about Isabella and her family's presence, but I couldn't deny that I wasn't particularly thrilled to be at the event with her either.

Kady's sudden gasp and leaning on my arm drew my attention. "Is that your brother?" she asked, directing my gaze to the man sitting beside Isabella, and I immediately recognized Finn.

I couldn't believe my eyes. What was he doing here, and with her of all people? A surge of anger coursed through me, making my fist clench on my leg, and it felt as though my tie was constricting around my neck.

Gently nudging Kady away from my shoulder, I rose from the chair and moved away from the table, opting for another drink. Thankfully, the crowded room meant I couldn't get completely wasted, so I didn't have to concern myself with excessive drinking like I had over the past three weeks.

Suddenly, I was halted in my tracks by an older man who extended his hand toward me. "Asher Petrov," he greeted with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to meet the infamous businessman of the family."

"Nice to meet you, sir, I'm sort of-" I started, but my introduction was swiftly interrupted by my father, who joined us and placed a hand on my shoulder.

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