Chapter Eleven

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I inhaled deeply while standing outside the office building, attempting to reassure myself that what occurred in the middle of my living room last night wasn't a big deal.

Despite my efforts to reassure myself, I couldn't shake the embarrassment that lingered. Facing him was something I didn't even want to contemplate, let alone being alone with him.

The email I received from him this morning indicated he wanted a one-on-one meeting. Although a part of me wished that meeting could be like what happened last night, I knew it wasn't going to happen.

Exiting the elevator, I spotted a steaming coffee cup placed on my desk. Scanning the office, I observed that everyone was engrossed in their work, paying me no attention, a fact for which I was grateful.

Out of nowhere, two hands playfully gripped my sides, and Taylor emerged from behind me, wearing a beaming smile.

"You look terrible," she remarked without any hesitation.

I retrieved my cellphone and examined my reflection in the camera. I couldn't help but notice the faint dark circles under my eyes and the way my curls were decidedly more disheveled compared to yesterday.

"I didn't get much sleep," I responded as I powered off my screen and set my phone on the desk.

"Last night was...insane," She said, glancing at me. She seemed to assume I hadn't slept well due to our night out, but in reality, it was for an entirely different reason.

I was fine with her assumption, as I had no intention of letting anyone know about what happened last night after Asher, Mr. Petrov, and I left the Hilton.

"Meeting in the boardroom," Mr. Petrov suddenly emerged from his office, back to his usual suit and tie look. "Ten minutes," he announced, scanning the room to ensure everyone heard him.

Fortunately, he paid no attention to Taylor and me, making it easier for me to avoid him. At least until our one-on-one meeting, which was bound to happen soon.

"I'm going to wrap up this spreadsheet for Mr. Petrov," Taylor said, casually tossing her hair over her shoulder. "He can be quite particular about getting what he wants." Her words triggered memories of our encounter from last night, but I quickly pushed those thoughts aside.

With limited time to prepare for the meeting, I settled at the lengthy wooden table that spanned the room, armed with a notepad, a pen, and the coffee Taylor had generously got for me.

Taylor took a seat beside me, while Liam occupied the other side. Several other employees, including Ryan, joined us at the table.

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