439. Gold Dragon Viernes

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Viernes's hideout is also a cave in a mountain just like Ignia's place. But it's much bigger than Ignia's cave and the inside is very bright. Ben gets inside stealthily and sees that the cave wall is covered with gold, truly befitting the home of Gold Dragon.

While erasing his presence, Ben walks deeper into the cave. But suddenly, some sharp gold spikes jolt out of the floor to stab him. He reacts quickly and gets away from the spikes. It really surprises him because he's sure he has erased his presence very well.

"Even if you erase your presence, I can still detect you when you touch the gold."

A handsome blonde young man appears from the cave's deeper part. Ben can feel the enormous magic power from the man. He knows this man must be Viernes. He can feel that Viernes is stronger than Ignia and almost as strong as Selene.

"Who are you, intruder? What's your objective? Depending on your answer, I will decide how I'll punish you."

"Hoh, how generous of you. Then please punish me as best as you can because I'm here to hunt you."

"Hunt me? How arrogant. If you want to hunt me, then you must've known who I am. Do you think you have the capability to do so?"

"Obviously, you idiot. I won't do it if I'm not confident. Though I must say I'm surprised that you like to chitchat with your enemy."

"Well, it's my way to give mercy to humans like you. There have been many who tried to kill me like you, but they all failed. Talking with them before they died is my way of showing mercy to them. At the very least, I am grateful that they relieved me from my boredom."

"Ooh, how kind of you. Then I'll also give you my mercy, by killing you quickly."

Viernes is obviously unhappy with Ben who keeps looking down on him by being a little sarcastic. He has enough and starts attacking Ben using the gold around Ben. But all his attacks are evaded by Ben who can react and move very fast to avoid all the fast attacks that Viernes made.

Ben sends an attack while evading Viernes's attacks. He throws a solar ball that flies very fast, so Viernes can't evade it. The solar ball explodes and Viernes's attacks stop coming when the explosion engulfs him.

But then, Ben gets surprised because Viernes comes out of the explosion without any scratch. He's sure that even Acnologia would get hurt even if it's just a little because even though that attack looked weak, that solar ball was actually packed with magic power.

"I could feel solar energy from your attack. By chance, are you using Sun Dragon Slayer Magic, human?"

"Yeah, I am a Sun Dragon Slayer, after all."

"No wonder. Then, I guess this will be my win."

Viernes smirks before he starts attacking Ben using the gold in the cave again. Ben moves around to avoid all the attacks while thinking of why his attack didn't work.

"Hahaha, are you trying to find an answer? Well, you can't do anything even if you know anyway, so don't bother."

Another solar ball hits Viernes, but it's not made of Sun Dragon Slayer Magic. Ben made it using his Sun Devil Slayer Magic which made the solar ball's color dark red.


Ben hears Viernes screams when the solar ball explodes. Then when Viernes comes out, Ben can see some damage on Viernes's body. It makes Ben smirk because now he knows why his 1st attack didn't work while this attack work even though it's a Devil Slayer Magic spell.

"So that's how it is. You were immune to my Sun Dragon Slayer Magic's solar energy because its color was gold. But my Sun Devil Slayer Magic has a dark red color, so you couldn't negate it. Your magic doesn't just allow you to control gold metal, but everything with gold color. It's similar to Vicelogia's and Sting's White Dragon Slayer Magic, huh?"

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