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His battle against Viernes was far from satisfying even though he was quite happy to see a type of magic he had never seen before. It would be more satisfying if he could enjoy his battle, but he is short on time. He has been staying in this timeline for months, so it's about time for him to return.

For now, he will check on Selene and the Dragon Slayers. He needs to make sure they won't be threats to his family in this timeline. Ben goes to their battle location to observe how they are doing against the Wood Dragon Aldoron.

It's a completely one-sided battle with Selene being the main attacker. She is already stronger than the injured Aldoron and she has some Dragon Slayers helping her, so the Wood Dragon doesn't stand a chance. But they can't overwhelm their opponent as good as Ben.

Though it's not power that they lack, but battle skills and strategy. Ben could overwhelm Ignia and Viernes so much that they couldn't even fight back because he made them unable to attack him using his gravity before attacking them mercilessly.

However, Selene and co are not restricting Aldoron's movements. He doesn't know whether they don't plan to do it or they simply can't do it though. But he knows for sure that their battle becomes harder because Aldoron can freely attack them.

Also, this is something that always makes him frustrated every time he watches others' fights. They always let their opponents finish their attack preparations even though they can interrupt them. It's another thing if they are confident they can take those attacks or they are very curious and want to learn more about those attacks like him.

The problem is usually they got blasted or even defeated by those attacks. Ben also rarely interrupts his opponents' attacks just because he is very curious about their attacks. But he always makes sure he is prepared to either block or dodge those attacks, unlike most people he knows who just take those attacks and get hurt.

That's why he is quite frustrated seeing Selene and the Dragon Slayers just keep letting Aldoron make his attack. They have more people, but they can't even interrupt him. Then they get hurt badly after taking his attacks because they are not prepared for those attacks.

But he doesn't say anything because it's not his business and this is a good chance to observe them too. He is also interested in Aldoron's power because Wood Magic is something that always piques his interest. It's magic that involves life, after all, so it's really interesting.

Though he doesn't have much time to observe because the battle ends not long after he arrived. Selene stabs Aldoron's chest and rips his heart out to kill him. Then after a while, she uses Spatial Magic to send Aldoron's body elsewhere.

Ben smirks because he already knew that Selene has a plan to use Aldoron's body. He doesn't exactly know what she's planning. His guess is she wants to make a Wood Dragon Slayer. The Wood Dragon Magic must've some abilities that she desires, that's why she chose to attack Aldoron and let Ben attack the other 2 Dragons.

"Well, whatever, I have nurtured a lot of Dragon Slayers after the war. Wood Dragon Slayer Magic is interesting, but it pales compared to that Dragon Slayer Magic."

Ben approaches Selene's group who gets surprised to see him here already. They never thought that he would defeat 2 Dragon Gods faster than them who ganged up against just 1 Dragon God. It shows just how big their power difference is.

"Before we go back to Earthland, I want to make a contract with you guys."

"A contract?"

"Yeah, a magic contract to be precise. It will make sure that none of us will breach the agreements we made because there will be harsh consequences."

Fairy Tail: Sun Eater-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now