443. The End

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It's obvious, Alvarez Empire accepts Ben's proposal. They will manufacture the planes here. Of course, this is Ben's business, so he should be the one who builds everything. That means they should build the factory with his money.

But his wealth isn't limitless, so he needs to find investors, and Alvarez will help with that. The Empire has many wealthy people who want to invest in this project. Though the Empire itself won't join on the plane manufacture.

Instead, they will invest in the airports because airports need wide lands to build. The Empire also doesn't have limitless money, so they can't join everything. Even they need investors to build the airports, just like Ben.

Anyway, the business proposal has been accepted. There are still many things to do, but they can wait. The Empire will help Ben find investors, but it won't be done soon because the Empire itself is still being rebuilt after the war. Ben is also not in a hurry because he is on vacation with his family.

They will start this project after Ben finished his vacation. For now, he wants to enjoy his family time and sees different things all over the world. He wants his kids to know that there are many kinds of people in this world so that they won't be too proud of themselves.

Things go well on their vacation even though there are some problems too. Ben and Mira can solve all those things and they can even teach their kids the ways to solve those problems. There aren't many things that both of them can't solve, after all, so their vacation is still considered peaceful.

After a few months, they finally get the news of the 100 years quest completion. There aren't any casualties on their side, Fairy Tail Mages' side, which is a relief to them. Ben really wants to see their improvements after defeating some powerful Dragons.

"They must be very disappointed right now because they don't see us when they return. Your sisters will be very sad, especially Bella who was very attached to you."

"I know, but I won't return yet. This will be a good chance for them to grow without me by their sides."

"Fufu, I know what you mean. Usually, we won't be worried too much if there are problems we couldn't solve because you were always there. But now, they need to solve everything themselves because you aren't there."

"Yeah, I know they can do it because they can finish that 100 years quest without me. Well, I did help them get stronger, but they finish that job by themselves with their own power. I'm sure there won't be many problems they can't solve now."

Mira agrees, so they really won't return until they finish their vacation. But that doesn't mean they won't communicate with their family and friends. They have magic phones, so they can just call their family and friends.

Ben's sisters and Mira's siblings actually called them as soon as they returned to Magnolia. Those guys are disappointed to find that Ben, Mira, & the twins have left Ishgar to go on a vacation. They wanted to join, but Ben stopped them and told them to help the guild when he was away.

Of course, they were disappointed, but now they are quite excited. They want to show Ben that they can become very powerful when he's away. In 2 years, they will surprise Ben with their stronger selves. He is everyone's goal, after all. Everyone in the guild wants to be stronger than him, so this is a perfect chance to grow stronger and surprise him later.

Ben doesn't know about their plan and just enjoys his vacation. Time passes by and a year & a half finally passed since Ben started his vacation with his family. Right now, they are exploring the Guiltina continent after exploring Eastern Continent.

They are facing some bandits led by a Mage who try to rob them on their way between towns. But Ben and Mira are just watching from behind. Ariel and Gabriel are the ones who fight the bandits. They have learned magic and now they will put their training into practice.

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