•17| She is there, in real?🖤

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Gluing your entire self onto the door you gawked at your front being totally terror stricken as you saw them coming even more closer to you while chanting the same thing.


You shook your head lightly with your glossy eyes, your legs started shaking in fear and a bead of sweat appeared on your forehead whereas the blood which was constantly dripping from the back of your head was making your hairs stick on your naps.. Your heart was pumping insanely inside your chest whereas you were breathing erratically seeing those creeps standing just in front of you..


They were all blunted in unison as their creepy voice was getting louder and louder by every second.

You covered your ears with your both hands as their spooky voices echoed in your head which started making you feel like it was gonna burst out in affliction. A sob cracked up from your throat whereas your tears were continuously gusting down through your cheeks. You looked here and there in order to find a way so that you could run away, despite knowing that there's no way to escape from there but you still strived as you don't want to die by their hands without even trying to save yourself and your baby's life..

You took a sharp breath before dashing towards your left but suddenly you tugged backwards and your body got slammed against the side wall..

"Aaahh'' A painful whimper broke out from your mouth and your face twisted miserly as you perceived an enormous amount of pain rushing through your whole physique..

Your eyes widened in terror whereas your body froze when you saw them gawking at you with full of malice but your brows knitted in bafflement when the middle of the girl among them raised her hand in the air, at your direction and the very next second you felt an invisible yet strong grip on your neck..

•••[] Meanwhile on the other side of the close door Taehyung was trying his best to break the door but nothing was helping. Although his own body was on the verge of giving up on him yet he wasn't stopping himself from doing everything that he had in his hand to get you out of that basement..

"Damn it!! Why is it not opening?" He groaned and cursed under his breath before slamming his palms on the wooden surface being totally helpless but his head apparently snapped back when he sensed something coming from his direction.

He dodges towards the side on time resulting in the vast flower vase to collide with the door and scattering into multiple pieces..

Taehyung gaped at those shattered pieces with his startled eyes until another glass object came flying towards him from nowhere and slammed just a inch away from his head, causing a glass piece to make a slight cut on his jaw.

He hissed while touching his face and noticed blood on his palm but even if he could comprehend anything one by one so many things started coming towards his way as if someone is deliberately throwing them at him.

Taehyung was standing in an open area, just in front of the basement door and there was nothing around him with which he could protect himself from the attacks..

Somehow he knows who was doing all this and for which purpose. So without giving anything a thought he decided to protect himself from those constant ambushes..

Panting heavily Taehyung was running towards the pillar in order to hide himself behind it but before he could reach near it suddenly an icy wind gusts forcefully inside the house. Windows, chandeliers and all the furniture trembled with the force whereas the curtains of the house began to float in the air and unanticipatedly a gauzy curtain came waving towards him and got swaddled around his neck before yanking his body upwards in the air.

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