Part 3 : Jungkook

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Jungkook's POV :
I need to go to college fast..Hi everyone I'm Jeon Jungkook..I don't look that good but people say otherwise..I love my parents and they love me..not everyone is fond of me at home older brother doesn't like me because he thinks I'm weak and my parents always supports me no matter what! Well I don't blame him my parents indeed support me in everything but mostly they don't let me decide anything for me.. please don't misunderstand me..they support me all the time but don't let me take my any decisions..I need to follow everything they hyung thinks that mom and dad love me more because he got forced into business by my dad but I had the freedom to chose whatever major I wanna do in the college..he doesn't hate me but doesn't talk to me much either.
Before going to college my father stopped me

Jungkook : Good morning Dad! Do you wanna say something!?

Mr. Jeon : Morning..Me nd your mom wanna tell you something can go after that..before telling you bout understand that you can't say no to it as you don't have a choice here! Understood!?

Jungkook : Y-Yes Dad!

Mr. Jeon : I've arranged your marriage to my bestfriend's son and you'll be married to him in 2 weeks.

Mrs. Jeon : He's very famous and nice'll love him and he'll love you.. don't worry You'll meet him tomorrow..his name is Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook : O-ok Mom! B-but don't you guys think that I should chose my life partner..please try to understand me I'm not saying anything bad but I wanna marry someone of my choice please mom please dad!

Mr. Jeon : SHUT UP!! We bought you in this world..we gave you so much luxury and happiness.. isn't that enough for you huh!? You SELFISH BRAT..I don't wanna listen this gonna marry him whether you like it or not! I like him your mom likes him and that's enough! Go to your college now..I do not wanna listen any stupid talks right now!

Jungkook : (flinched at his dad's loud voice) O-ok d-dad

I don't know but they say they love me but why can't I feel it..Dad doesn't even listen fully to my verdicts it's always do whatever I say or I know better for you. I just wish my future husband will treat me good. Oops I forgot bout the college.

Third person's POV:
Jungkook's parents care a lot bout their name and fame..only things they care bout are their name, fame, money and power..they don't care bout what their kids need..Jungkook thinks his parents love him a lot but that poor soul doesn't know that his parents doesn't like him much..they want him to get married asap because it'll benefit their family and of Mr. Jeon's promise to his bestfriend that they'll marry their kids together.

Time skips
At college

Jungkook's POV:
I came college late today..I do have few friends in college because most of my friends hate me now.. it's all because of a girl who claims to love me well that's a long story.

I was eating my lunch in the cafeteria suddenly someone came in front of me and hugged me..she was about to kiss me but I pushed her!
When I looked at her..she was none other than Taeji..the girl who claims to love me but made my life so problematic in college..this is almost the 100th time she tries to do something to me..but today she crossed the line while trying to kiss me! After pushing her away I shouted at her!

Jungkook: WTH is wrong with you Taeji!? Don't you dare touch me!

She didn't listen and this time again tried to climb on me for kissing me

I lose my calm and slapped her by pushing her away from me

Everyone started laughing and some even made the video.

Taeji : What did you do!? What the fu*k did you just do!? You piece of sh*t

Jungkook : Look I'm sorry but why did you try to kiss me!? You weren't listening that's why I slapped you!

Taeji : I said I love you.. can't you just accept me!? Look I'm so beautiful..why are you trying so hard to get huh!? Don't you know me Jeon Jungkook!?

She is testing my I'm already in a very bad mood because of Dad and now this girl. Earlier also she did a lot of things in college with me to make my life hell like once she stole my project and submitted it in her name..the professor got so angry from me that he made me write that project 4 times of the original one..once she poured juice on my shirt so that she could see me shirtless..she tore my assignment in front of me because I said I can't sit with you..she even spread a lot of rumors against me in the whole college..she turned all my friends against me because I said NO to her that's why I have only few friends in college even they don't talk to me much..I'm very tired because of her doing so much in my life..I despise her so much
I felt extreme anger towards her today!

Jungkook: You know what!? You deserve it..I'll never accept a slut like you..fu*k off you whore!

Taeji : (raised her hand to slap Jungkook but got slapped by Jungkook again.)

Everyone started laughing at her and recorded her video of doing this stunt..Jungkook went away from there!
Everyone started badmouthing her..some girls tried to pull her hair and someone threw cola on her.. everyone started calling her loser and whore all around the college she felt like crying and that's what she did she started crying.

Taeji's POV :

How can he slap me!? How can he!? That bastard..everyone's laughing at me because of him..I did so much for him to love me but he didn't acknowledge it..I'll take my revenge Jeon Jungkook..You just wait and watch I'll make your life hell. She ran away crying!

New Charecter:

Jeon Jason : Jungkook's older brother.. doesn't like Jungkook..thinks his parents love his younger brother more and have given everything to his brother. 26 years old.

Happy reading
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