Part 44 : Secrets Revealed

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Mr. Kim : (red eyes) What is it you sl*t!? Let go of my son if you want your suffering to be little less!

Everyone felt goosebumps listening to Mr. Kim's words..they were all shocked by Mr. Kim's changed demeanor

Sherry : (scared but trying hard to show it) D-don't scare me Master Kim..your son is with me only!

Mr. Kim : (angry but smirked) Not for long because soon I'll get him back

This angered Sherry as she laughed loudly

Sherry : (angrily) You can't do that Master Kim because he is mine and why do you want him back huh!? When you couldn't trust your own son! You act like a civil citizen but you're a monster in reality

Everyone was shocked listening to her as no one ever dared to talk like this to Mr. Kim

Sherry : (sarcastically) Don't be shocked everyone I'll tell you the all went against my Tae just bcoz he did bad to Jungkook even though it wasn't his fault but have you all wondered why Tae is the way he is..well all thanks to Master Kim. He gave all the love to his younger kids but with my Tae he was a monster. He put my Tae through hell, he made him train like animals, he snatched his childhood when all the teenagers were having fun my Tae was suffering. He was just 17 years old Master Kim when you made him fight your professional fighters of 30-40 years, they were twice his size but you made him fight them all! You knew Taehyung couldn't win in front of them but you still forced him!
(red eyes) After the fight, he couldn't even move properly but you still made him train just because you wanted him to takeover your underground business! You treated him worst than a dog but still claim to love him. You sent him to the hostel far away from South Korea so that no one will know bout your doings but I was there I witness everything you did with him Master Kim. H-he was broken and you knew that..he tried talking to you but each time you manipulated him. You isolated him, not let him make any friends but still we became friends. Still he kept loving you in the hope that his dad will be proud and happy. You made him believe that everyone else is an enemy except the family members and he accepted that but still he kept his friendship with me. After all this he became the one you wanted him sent him on his first mission at the age of 19 only..he was so hurt after that mission but you only cared bout your damn mission. He wanted you to appreciate but you didn't, you made him an animal then suddenly your other children were born and you decided to step back huh!? You decided to step back but what bout my Tae!? He was so deep in there but because of his love for you he fought and left everything behind. Then only you made him come back but again forced him into business thingies. He acted like you never did anything to him. He still loved you whole heartedly but what bout his struggles!? His mental health which you ruined!? He changed himself forced himself to live just by loving his family that's why he did all those things to Jungkook. He believed that his sister can never lie and did what he seemed right. You knew that you made him a beast, you knew that he is not even responsible for all these things when his own father brainwashed him, YOU KNEW HE WAS NOT AT FAULT MASTER KIM. IT WAS YOU ONLY YOU WHO SHOULD BE BLAMED FOR EVERYTHING BUT YOU AGAIN PUT ALL THE BLAIM ON HIM. YOU KNEW HE HATE MEDIA BECAUSE YOU ISOLATED HIM IN WORST WAYS BUT YOU STILL PUT HIM THROUGH ALL HIS FEARS AGAIN AND THIS TIME HE FINALLY BROKE. That's why I step in and now HE IS MINE ONLY. I'll never let him go never ever
(looking at everyone) You all heard me right!? Now let me and my Tae be together otherwise I'll finish both of us

Everyone was shocked and we're crying..they couldn't believe Taehyung faced so much but still acted all normal

Police : Surrender Miss Sherry as you can't run away from us

Sherry : (red eyes) Fine then you asked for it

A gun was fired as Jungkook screamed

Jungkook : (crying) Noooooo Taehyung

Happy reading
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Next update coming tomorrow or maybe today if this gets a lot of comments 🫰🏻

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