Part 34 : Mess

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Time skip

After two days

Third Person's POV

It's been two days since Taehyung came out of his one was at home to check up on him as HE KEPT PUNISHING HIMSELF for what he did!
The whole room became a mess as he broke everything
Some maids tried but after getting no response they left..Mr. and Mrs. Kim were also called by the maids but as soon as they heard Taehyung's name they cut the call and asked to not talk bout him!
Taehyung's health worsen in these days..he kept HITTING himself with belt or cane or stick or whip.. he even started cutting himself
His once healthy fair skinned changed into pale one..he was still recovering that's why doing all this made his health worst

Taehyung's POV


(took a mirror piece and started carving JUNGKOOK'S NAME ON HIS CHEST the same he did to his husband)

A-ah P-please d-don't love someone else

(phone started ringing)

Who even cares to call someone like me huh!?

(picked it up and saw his secretary)

Taehyung : Hello

PA : Good morning sir..sorry to disturb you but it's urgent

Taehyung : Yeah what is it!?

PA : Sir you need to come to office right now!

Taehyung : Don't you know I'm working from home Sherry!? What is it that needs me there!? I can't come do anything but manage it

PA : (worried) I'm sorry sir but you didn't come since Taeji mam was sent to wants answer staffs want answer..I managed everything but I can't anymore sir..some staffs resigned after all this mess..our shares are at stake..the media is always outside demanding your presence..some NGO workers are here as well today and they said if you won't answer their question today they'll enter the building the guards are preventing them but they seem violent and it can ruin our reputation more that it is already so please sir come as soon as possible

Taehyung : I'm coming

(hung up)

I couldn't believe what I heard..did I forgot all my parents' hardwork in my misery and pain..I need to go there soon

Time skip

Third Person's POV

Taehyung got ready and wore his suit with so much difficulty as his whole body was in pain..he bandaged his wounds carelessly so they won't bleed..he looked really tired with big dark circles and swollen face and red puffy eyes..his body was in so much pain that he couldn't even stand properly and not eating from 2-3 days made him extremely weak but he still tried..he knew he needed something to eat!

(Taehyung came in the dining area..maids were shocked seeing him)

Taehyung : (hoarse voice) Get me something to eat and a very strong coffee

Maid : Y-yes sir

Within few minutes the maids came with the breakfast and served it..Taehyung didn't want to eat but he knew he has to as their company is at stake this time
He was eating when suddenly Jungkook and Jimin came together laughing and sat on the dinning table in front of him
Taehyung felt his hands shaking as he couldn't look at them properly..all the previous nights memories started coming in his mind..he just looked down nd started eating quickly

Jungkook looked at Taehyung but didn't say anything but Jimin on the other hand got angry

Jimin : (rudely) Kook some people are so shameless that they don't even feel a lil ashamed for what they did nd still have guts to sit casually and eat! HOW SHAMELESS

Taekook : Useless WifeWhere stories live. Discover now