Please Understand

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Hi everyone.. it's your author again..I know a lot of you want me to post and trust I want to do that as well but currently I don't know but I can't write properly..I'm at my pg and I really wanna go back home..I took big steps which are hurting me a lot right now but I know it's for the betterment and I'll be happy! I'll try to post soon! Can you all tell me how I can heal myself when I have no friends except my family who are in my hometown while I'm in my pg living in my room alone! I'm trying but I don't know sometimes it gets hard!

I don't wanna cry but I'm an emotional freak..Idk why am I so sensitive! I wanna be carefree like my old days! I wanna write as all of you are waiting for my updates! Nd I know I'll soon 💖

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