Prologue - The Trial of Fury

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The Guardians are a group of beings who oversee the fundamental aspects of existence. Each of them has a unique role and responsibility in maintaining the balance and harmony of the universe. Their purpose is to protect their domains from any threats or disturbances and to assist other beings in their quest for knowledge and growth. 


6 of the higher guardians are seated in a semicircle. In the middle of the room is a chair. Aza (guardian of power) brings Odysseus in, bound with magical chains. Odysseus has a menacing grin on his face as he is slammed down in the chair. Aza stands behind Odysseus with a tight grip on his right shoulder.

Veda (Guardian of Knowledge) stands up an begins to speak "Thank you for bringing him Aza. We shall beg....*sigh*.. Where is Death?" she glances at Aviv.

"Don't look at me.. No matter how many times I lecture him about being on time he never listens." Aviv (Guardian of Time) says in a monotone voice.

Veda sighed and turned to her right, "Aoibhe, do you know where he is?" 

"Do I look like his keeper?"Aoibhe (Guardian of Life) snapped with attitude.

"That's not...just.. Nevermind. We can get started withou-." Veda began but was interrupted when a black portal appeared in the room.

Death, who preferred to be called Bob (Guardian of death) comes stumbling in... "SORRY, sorry. Had a sudden emergency. You wouldn't believe who just died. OH, and how he died was just crazy. I tell you there was some-..."

"DEATH!" Veda snaps, giving him a cold stare.

"thing...." He clears his throat and straightens his cloak "Yes ma'am." he quickly moves to his seat between Aoibhe and Versa (Guardian of Realms), he leans over to Versa and whispers "What's up with Miss Smartie Pants over here?"

Versa whispers back "Don't you know why we are here? Read the room..."

Bob looks around and whispers back. "Yeaa still not getting it.. Who's that in the middle of the room? And more importantly, why is he giving you an intensely creepy stare?"

Versa facepalms "Just... listen for once. We're not here for a party. This is something extremely serious"

Suddenly they notice Veda giving them the death stare. Veda growls "Are you done? I'd really like to get started" Bob sits back and nods.

"Thank you" She turns back towards Odysseus "Now then. Odysseus, Guardian of Fury. Do you know why you are here today?"

Odysseus replies with a snarky smile "No I don't, would you please enlighten me Your Majesty of infinite Wisdom."

Veda glares at the guardian "Don't push your luck fury. I'll show you what real fury looks like"

Aether (Guardian of Elements) places her hand on Veda's arm and whispers "Veda, this is no time to lose your cool. He's just trying to get into your head. It's an obvious villain tactic"

Veda sighs "Yes, you are right. Moving on...Odysseus - Guardian of Fury..."

"Yeah.. you said that already. Honestly, I'm getting sick of hearing it." Odysseus rolls his eyes.

Veda ignores him, clears her throat, and speaks a little louder. "You are charged with plotting with another guardian to perform illegal acts. Would you care to explain just what you were plotting?"

Odysseus grins as he replies "And just why would I do tha-a" he stutters as Aza tightens his grip on Odysseus' shoulder "-at. Geez Aza, loosen up with ya? I think you've been hitting those protein shakes too much."

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