It will be Dangerous

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First Person POV (the woman's)

A woman was walking through a park. It was early Autumn and the leaves had all changed to reds, oranges, and yellows. Some scattered along the pathway. This woman was on her way to her favorite bench in the park. She loved to sit and read books as the sounds of the city chimed behind her.

She was almost at her favorite spot when she noticed someone sitting on the bench. It wasn't unusual for someone to be sitting on the bench with her but for some reason, the person sitting there today seemed out of place. He was wearing a black jacket over a band t-shirt, black jeans over his legs, and his feet were in black boots. A 'bad boy' vibe going on. There was so much black but what made him stick out like a sore thumb was his clashing Snow White hair.

She approached the bench and took note of his intense stare into the nothingness before him. He was smoking a cigarette and was lost in thought. She broke him out of his trance when she sat down and spoke up.

"You know, those things will kill you someday." She giggled at the man.

He softly chuckled as he said "Eh I'm already dead" but he trailed off as he turned to look at the woman who had sat down beside him.

Her ocean blue eyes met with his ruby red. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity, but it was only mere seconds before someone spoke up.

"Your eyes are so beautiful," they both said at the same time. The woman giggled and the man turned away with a "sorry" under his breath.

"So, you don't look like one to mosey around parks such as this. What brings you here?" She asked the man, trying to break the tension in the air.

"I came here to see someone." He replied, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Oh and were you able to see them?" She asked curiously, opening her book and getting ready to get lost in its pages.

"Yeah," he said with a smile, looking over to the woman who was already lost in her book.

"If you're going to stare at me you could at least tell me your name." She giggled lightly, barely looking up from her book to meet the man's gaze.

He blushed slightly. "My name is Blaine. And yours?"

She smiled softly. "My name is Venus."

Rena was dreaming again through the woman's point of view.

This feels so real like it's a memory, but it's not mine. Maybe it's one of my past life's memories? I've heard that's possible but it's still so strange. Blaine... that's the name from the dream before. This one was a lot more clear than the last one.

"Rena? Are you awake?" Rena suddenly heard Versa's voice.

"Yeah, I'm awake now, but I do feel like I could sleep for days."

"Well, there is someone who wants to speak with you. Are you ready?"

Rena sighs "I suppose so. Any good news?"

"Yes! A lot of good news and well some not so good but we have someone who will help us find everyone."

"Well, that is good news. I supposed I'll take back over now then. You could use some more rest I'm guessing?"

"Yes, that would be lovely. Would you tell Bob I said goodbye?"

"Sure but one of these days I'd like to not be the messenger girl between you two"

Rena opened her eyes and saw she was in some sort of lab. She looked around seeing Bob and two more individuals she didn't recognize. V didn't say there would be two people helping us. Oh well, the more the merrier I guess.

"Um. Hello." Rena said glancing at the individual in the lab coat sitting across from her.

"Hello, You must be Rena. My name is Sybil but you can call me Sy. We have much to discuss. Are you up for the challenge?" Sy said smiling at Rena.

"Challenge? What's that supposed to mean?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Let me get started by explaining who I am, what I know of the guardians, and then the plan I have to find them all. Then at the end, you can give me your answer." Sy explained leaning forward.

"My answer?"

"You'll understand once I'm done with my explanation. Let's get started shall we?"

Rena sat back and got comfy, feeling this would take a while.

"So as I said my name is Sy. We are currently in A-Class World 5, or Ureka. We are a highly advanced society, skilled in technology, and many people possess gifts. My gift is that of clairvoyance, meaning I can see glimpses of the future at times." Her face turns intense "I've seen a possible future that I can assure you no one wants to come to fruition. More details on that to come later. Now, moving on, I was lucky enough to stumble on one of Versa and Death-er-Bob's, excuse me, fellow guardians. Rena met Aether, the guardian of elements." she gestures her hand towards Rena's right where the guardian was seated.

"Hello," Rena said with a nod.

"Hello Miss Rena, It's nice to meet you." she smiled

"Aether here was able to bond with one of my androids. Along with that, I was able to learn much about the guardians and their essence." Sy pointed to the bracelet on Rena's wrist. "That there on your wrist is an item I designed to completely mask Versa's presence. When guardians are bonded it masks their presence but only so much. That bracelet will mask it completely, even when Versa is in control of your body."

Rena looked down at the said item on her wrist. It's cute.

Sy continued "Now additionally, I created some other items that can be used on missions. A cell phone that allows communication between worlds, along with translation of any language. A pair of contacts and glasses that will send live audio/video feedback here to my lab."

"Missions?" Rena finally spoke up.

"Yes. Now, I want you to know you don't hav-"

"I'll do it." Rena Interrupted.

"What?" Sy said slightly taken aback.

"I said I'll do it." Rena said crossing her arms and legs.

"It will be dangerous," Sy said flatly.

"I figured as much, but" Rena looked down to her lap "I don't have anyone waiting for me, and honestly, V is like my only friend now. I've helped her this much already so I might as well finish the job." She looked back up at Sy.

"Very well." Sy shifted to sit back against her chair. "Aether, would you like to take over now?"

"Yes." She turned towards Rena. "As you know, I am the guardian of elements. I want to gift you some of my essence allowing you to use the powers of the elements. I believe it will help you on your missions."

"You can do that? Won't it clash with V's essence?" she questioned.

"Believe it or not it won't clash at all. You'll be able to use those powers and V will be able to use her own," she explained.

"So.. I'll be able to use magic?" Rena smiled.

"Yes, which will come in handy on your first mission. The world we'll be sending you to is one full of magic." Sy jumped in.

"Wait.. I'll be going to different worlds?!" Rena sat up straight in her chair.

"Yes.. is that a problem?" Sy puzzled.

"Absolutely not." Rena smiled. "I've always wanted to travel. Guess this will be the travel of a lifetime."

"They certainly will be." Sy smiled. "Well, shall we start the process and training?"

Rena settled down in her chair. "Yes, let's get started."

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