FT - Mystic's Magic/Closure

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It had been two weeks since Mystic had joined the Fairy Tail guild. She had joined the team on several jobs, allowing her to see more of this magical world. Most of the time it was just Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Mystic, but a few times Erza, Gray, Wendy, and Carla joined in. Mystic has made notes of everyone's powers and she was impressed with the variety of magic in this world.

Natsu and Wendy were dragon slayers. They had both been raised by actual dragons, which blew Mystic's mind. She couldn't even begin to imagine what being raised by a dragon would look like but these two were some of the purest souls she'd ever met.

Natsu had Fire Dragon Slayer magic, pretty straightforward stuff but adding fire to his hand-to-hand combat made him admirable. Wendy had Sky Dragon Slayer magic and it was beautiful. Not only did she have similar abilities to Natsu, but she also had healing powers. Their magic was said to be able to slay dragons, though they had said neither had been able to slay any as they were all extinct except for one, Acnologia. Mystic didn't know much, but hearing that name sent shivers down her spine.

Erza was a swordswoman and her magic was requip, which is a type of spatial magic. She could store armor and weapons in a pocket dimension and pull them out whenever she needed them. Her clothes would magically change when she'd requip. It was amazingly beautiful, much like the woman herself.

Gray was an Ice-Make user so he was able to make objects out of ice. He could make almost anything out of ice. Being an ice wizard, he had trained himself to be resistant to the cold. However, this came with an odd habit of him stripping his clothes off randomly.

Happy and Carla were exceeds. Mystic had learned that they actually came from a parallel universe. They didn't have much magic power. Aside from being able to produce wings and fly, only Carla had an extra trick up her sleeve. She possessed the power of clairvoyance, however, she couldn't use it at will.

Currently, the group was sitting in the guild hall, enjoying some food and telling Mystic old stories of their adventures. Mystic was half listening as her mind was trailing off to the last conversation she had with Sy two days ago.

"Mystic, I believe one of his underlings has made it into that world. Keep your guard up. They could be anywhere and we don't know who or what they look like. Things are about to get intense but you need to remain calm. You aced your training over the water element and you said your air element is coming along nicely, so don't let your mind falter to believing in failure. I believe in you."

Mystic was getting worried that nothing had happened yet, especially since it had already been two days since their arrival in this world. Where could they be? What are they waiting for?

"..stic...Yo Mystic!" Gray broke her out of her trance.

"Oh I'm sorry, what were you saying?" She shook her head bringing herself back to reality.

"You said you're from another country, right? What your country is like?" he asked.

"Oh well... um.. It's actually pretty boring. We don't have magic where I'm from so we use technology for most things instead." She responded.

"Wait, there's no magic where you're from? Then how did you learn water magic?" Gray asked.

Mystic suddenly felt a cold chill down her spine, someone was staring at her with intense hatred. "This water witch thinks she can take away my Gray-sama. I'll show her.." a woman in blue whispers from a corner of the guild hall.

Shaking it off, Mystic thought carefully about how she should answer. Should I just tell them I'm from another world? I mean it's not like they don't know other worlds don't exist, they've been to a parallel world themselves. Lucy knows but I'm not sure the others need to know yet, do they?

"Well it's a bit of a long complicated story and well.. There are parts I can't really talk about for..safety reasons," she said looking down. Lucy jumped in "You don't need to talk about it if it's going to stir up bad memories."

Mystic looked up "Oh no! It's no bad memories or anything. When I learned how to use the elements, it was actually really fun. I had an amazing teacher. She gave me some of her es-er-wisdom since she herself is the master of all element magic. I still have a long way to go so I can only use water magic, though Wendy has been helping me train my air magic."

"What other elements do you still need to learn?" Erza piped in.

"Fire, Earth, Light, and Dark. Supposedly, once I master all of those elements, I can learn to combine them and create even stronger versions of the base elements," she explained.

"Whoa! That's so cool! So you'd be able to use all types of magic?" Natsu gleamed.

"Well, not all types of magic. Just all elemental types," she said with a smile.

"That's so cool. I could help you with fire magic!" Natsu said with stars in his eyes. Lucy smacked him on the back of the head "You'd make a horrible teacher, Natsu."

"Ow, hey! I'd make a great teacher. She'd be super strong!" Natsu said rubbing his head.

"Oi flame brain. You don't have enough brain cells in there to teach her anything." Gray growled.

"Shut it, Ice Princess, it's not like you can teach her fire magic." Natus snarled. And as usual, the two started throwing insults and names at each other before Erza rose and whacked them both upside the head. "Knock it off you two!"

"YES MA'AM!" the boys yelped and straightened themselves out. Mystic just laughed at their silliness making Lucy smile at her for finally letting herself relax around the group.

~Mini Flashback~

Mystic and Lucy had gotten close. After their girls' night, Lucy dressed up Mystic in some casual clothes and they traveled to Lucy's old estate. Lucy took her to a gravesite where both her parents lay. She introduced Mystic to them and laid some flowers on their stones. She then looked at Mystic and told her to do the same, to talk to them, and to talk to her mother. Tell her what she's been up to since her passing. Mystic did that and an emotional flood escaped her eyes. Afterward, she felt like she used to when her childhood friend would comfort her on the anniversary. She was happy she wasn't alone. Lucy embraced her as she let it all out, knowing that this was the best way to overcome the sadness of a loss. She figured that what Mystic had told her was that she had never really let it go, never found the closure she needed, because she was always alone.

"Thank you, Lucy. This means so much to me. I feel so...free." Mystic said as the girls released their hug.

"I'm glad I could be there for you. I know how hard losing parents can be. It took me a while to overcome the loss myself, but I had people there to help me along the way. It sounds to me that you didn't really have anyone, well besides your childhood friend." Lucy smiled softly as the girls started their journey back to the guild.

"Yeah, it's been.. Really hard. Especially the past few years. I'm almost the same age she was when she passed away. I think that's what was making it harder. That I realized I'm going to live past her, that her life ended before she really got a chance to live."

The girls walked in a pleasant silence for a while before Mystic stopped walking. Lucy turned around to see what caused the girl to stop only to see Mystic with a distant look on her face, lost in her thoughts. Mystic finally met Lucy's gaze and broke the silence. "Rena."

"Rena?" Lucy asked puzzled.

"That's my real name. Mystic is only a code name I chose to go by while I'm on this quest. We don't want to risk Odysseus finding out my true identity, but I... I wanted you to know it. Please continue to call me Mystic around everyone else, but I feel that you deserve my name. I...I consider you a close friend."

Lucy ran back to Rena and embraced her in another hug. "Of course, Rena. I consider you a close friend too. Thank you for sharing that with me." 

Rena returned the hug and whispered another "Thank  you."

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