FT - Welcome to Fairy Tail

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The group was now in town stepping closer to their destination. Rena took note of how the townspeople would wave and greet the guild members accompanying her.

"Hey Mystic, you're not from around here are you?" Natsu asked over his shoulder as they walked along.

"You could say I'm from out of town." Rena flatly replied she was trying to be cautious even though she didn't feel any ill will coming from the trio next to her. If anything they all seemed quite the opposite of ill-willled. They radiated positivity, especially the pink-haired boy.

"Out of town? Where are you from then?" Lucy joined in.

Rena wasn't pleased with the interrogation though she realized they were just trying to make conversation. "Well...I'm from really far away. Another country to be exact." That wasn't entirely a lie, she was indeed from another country, that country just happened to be in another world.

"What business do you need at our guild then? Seems a bit far to come to visit a specific magic guild." Lucy questioned.

Just as Rena was about to come up with some sort of reason, their group reached the entrance of the guild. Natsu, who was looking over his shoulder at Rena ran right into a boy with jet-black hair and a face as cold as ice.

"Hey! Watch it Natsu!" the boy exclaimed as he stumbled to stay on his feet.

"Oh hey, guys! You just come back from a job too?" Natsu asked toward the other group. A woman with scarlet red hair turns to him.

"Ah hello, Natsu. Yes, we just came back from a job. Who is this you have with you?" She asked glancing over to Rena who was just hanging a few steps behind everyone.

"Oh this is Mystic, she said she had some business with the guild," Natsu said, ignoring the raven he just almost knocked over.

"Oh well Welcome to Fairy Tail. I'm Erza, This is Gray, Wendy, and Carla. Are you wanting to speak with the master?" The scarlet woman said pointing to the other members of her group. Carla was another cat.. Cute~.

"Hello. Nice to meet everyone. Yes, I believe I should start with speaking with your Master."Rena greeted the group with a smile.

"Very well follow me," Erza said as she turned around and headed into the guild hall.

Rena followed the members into the courtyard of the large building. In the yard, there were stalls with merchandise for sale. There were lots of members scattered about the yard all waving towards the group as they walked in. Making their way inside to a large open room filled with tables. There was a bar off to one side with a beautiful white-haired woman serving food and drinks. Sitting on the bar was a very small old man with a large mustache.

Once inside most of the group went to find a table to sit down and talk about their most recent jobs. Natsu made a beeline to the bar to order some food. Erza leads Rena to the bar as well speaking up to the old man.

"Master Makorav, this young lady would like to have a word with you." she introduced you to the man who seemed to be snoozing.

"A-huh.." he jolted awake "Oh yes, you needed to speak with me? Are you needing to put in a job request? If so Mirajane here can take care of all that for you." She said pointing his thumb behind him at the white-haired woman who in turn returned with a soft heart-melting smile and a small wave.

"It's not a job request, well not exactly I guess. Um, would there be somewhere we could speak in private? It's very urgent."

The old man raised an eyebrow before jumping off of the counter. "Very well follow me." He said as he led Rena to a staircase leading up to a second floor. Rena followed and when they reached the floor she looked around to see no one was up there.

"Don't worry, only S-class mages are allowed on the floor. Currently, the only S-class mages we have are Erza, Mirajane, Laxus, Gildarts, and Mystogan. Though he is no longer in the guild." he says to ease her mind.

"Oh.." Rena says softly afraid she unintentionally brought up some unpleasant memories.

"Not to worry child. He only left to return to his homeland. Now, I don't believe I caught your name?"He said sitting down on a couch, gesturing to one across from him for Rena to sit down.

"Oh I apologize, I go by Mystic. It's a pleasure to meet you, Makarov was it?" she introduced herself as she sat down across from the little old man.

"Yes, a pleasure to meet you as well. Now, what is it you need to discuss with me so urgently."

"Ah yes. Well, I believe one of your guild members may be in danger. I'd like to stick around for a while to ensure nothing happens to this individual."

"ONE OF MY CHILDREN IS IN DANGER?" he yells, gaining a few head turns from members downstairs. Surprised by his own outburst, he clears his throat and lowers his voice again. "Sorry, could you go into more detail please?"

"Of course, but some of the things I'm about to tell you might come as a shock and it must remain between only those who need to know. Please, I know you have no reason to trust me, a stranger but I assure you I have only the best intentions." Rena says with a soft smile.

She then tells the old man of the guardians, Odysseus, and how she is from another world. Leaving out the details of her true identity, she only gave him enough information to understand the situation.

"So we believe he might be after a wizard who has a connection with the celestial world. We believe a guardian might have ended up in that realm, however, it's only reachable from this one." Rena finished her explanation.

"Lucy. She is our celestial mage." Makarov stated with his chin resting on his balled fists.

Oh, that blonde I met earlier? What a coincidence.

"If it would be alright, I'd like to hang around until we are sure they will give up the chase."

"Of course! You mentioned you are from another world. Do you happen to use any type of magic?" He questioned.

"Actually yes, I possess the powers of the elements, though currently, the water element is my strongest."

"Then how would you like to join the guild? You can join Natsu and Lucy's team to keep a close eye on her. Also, you can stay in the girl's dorm for the time being. Erza can show you the way later."

"I suppose that would be the easiest way to explain my extended stay. Thank you." Rena said as they stood to head back downstairs.

"Mirajane! We have a new guild member. Can you please get her set up with the guild mark and Erza would you show her to the girl's dorm later? Natsu, Lucy, I'm assigning her to your team. Show her the ropes." Makarov shouted at his rowdy guild members.

"O..mythc..ith jonig hue...uild?" ("Oh Mystic is joining the guild?") Natsu said with a mouth full of food, earning a smack and a scowl from Lucy. "Don't talk with your mouth full!" turning to Rena she said with a smile "Welcome to the team, Mystic!"

Serenity: Crossing RealmsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora