MHA - Saturday Part 1

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Another week had gone by and it was finally Saturday. Rena had spent the week at the school Teaching the classes during the day, then when she could she made use of their training room. Being careful no one saw how she used her magic or her weapon. She needed the training but did not need any questions about her abilities. It felt strange staying on campus and not in the Hotel, but she felt a little safer given all of the school's security. She had a few conversations with some of the teachers. She decided that she had written Mr. Aizawa off too quickly. He was a great teacher, just a little odd but those always make the best ones. Present Mic was, well too loud for her and Midnight was interesting. She didn't see much of that All Might guy again but she did learn, much unwillingly, all she needed to know about All Might from her student Midoriya.

He was the number one Hero until a fight with the villain All for One injured him and ultimately pushed him into retirement. She found it interesting and maybe a coincidence that their names seemed to coalline in a way, but she brushed it off not wanting to think too much about it. It wasn't her business and he had said his quirk was a secret. That villain was behind bars anyway.

Rena was on her way back to the hotel to meet up with Hawks and Sy (virtually of course) to discuss the plans behind tonight's meeting with Dabi. Everyone found it extremely odd but agreed that it would be worth it to entertain the villain. Hawks insisted that he tailed them in case anything went wrong but Rena thought that wasn't such a good idea.

She finally made it back to her room and Hawks was already inside sitting on the couch watching some TV.

"Well make yourself at home I guess." She chuckled as she came inside and set her stuff down in the kitchen.

"Not my fault you left the balcony unlocked. That's dangerous, you know. Anyone could break in." He said, clicking the TV off and turning his head back.

"No, not anyone, just some stray birds flying around," she smirked. Besides, we're on the 10th floor. Who would be able to break in this high up?

"Hey! That's offensive!" He said, faking a shocked expression.

"Is it though?" She chuckled, making her way to sit in her usual spot. "Alright, let's get this meeting started." She said as she dialed Sy's number, hitting the hologram button.

"Hello Mystic, Hawks. Glad to see everyone. How was the school Mystic?" Sy started after she answered.

"Oh, it's going good. Most of the students are doing great. There's always a few that struggle, but that's to be expected." Rena replied, thinking back on her week.

"Did you hear anything of interest?" Sy asked.

"Um, nothing that I think would be linked to the League or be of any importance," Rena responded.

"Well, that's a shame. At least it's working as a cover for the time being though. Hawks, what about you, hear anything else at the mansion?" She asked, looking towards Hawks.

"Not much, though they did finally let me into their special meeting room and I got to see ol' Shiggy firsthand finally. He does not look so good. It pretty much just confirmed most of the information that I had learned from before, though they left out important parts. Probably still don't trust me entirely." He spoke looking bored.

"Well, we at least have an idea that we're looking for a hospital. The problem is that they have more than one they seem to have under their influence. I'm still trying to narrow them down so we can't make a move yet. Let me know if you hear anything in regards to which one they are using, Hawks"

Hawks nodded in agreement. "Yes ma'am."

"Now for tonight, Mystic. You're meeting Dabi. There's no telling if he will be alone or have company so be on your guard. You have your "Hero License" so if anything goes wrong you can use your abilities, but it'd be best to keep them to a minimum if you can. Don't want to draw attention to yourself. Please just be careful. He's unpredictable." Sy warned.

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