The Next Mission

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It had been a few days since Sy informed Fairy Tail of the details and sent them back to their world. She gave Rena a day to recoup and recap her mission but now it was time to get ready for the next one. Luckily the next world was in more modern times and full of technology. This made it easier for Sy to gather more detailed information for the mission, though there was still a lot Rena would need to solve on her own once she stepped foot in that world.

Rena was currently catching up with Aether and training her Air magic more. She wasn't as mastered with it as her water but Aether told her it was well enough that she could move on to the next element, Earth. She tried the basics and got them down quickly, but figured she could do more training on it once she was in the next world. They were in a time crunch after all.

Meanwhile, Sy had texted Lily to see if she'd be able to do some recon in this world beforehand. It's not that they weren't prepared for the previous mission but Sy wanted to send Rena into this world with more than just a general place to go and a nameless person to find. Sy was hoping Lily would stop by in person to deliver the information but due to her busy schedule, she was only able to send her the information via phone.

Sy: Heyy Lily :) would you be able to do me a huge favor?

Lily: Sure thing! What do you need?

Sy: Would you be able to do a little recon for me in a world? It's for Rena's next mission but I'd like to send her in with a little more information than last time.

Lily: I could give it a shot, just for you of course. ;) Which world?

Sy: World Class A - 32. It's a power-class world. If you could give me a general run down of how their world runs and a possible lead on where The Guardian could be? I tracked them to that world but I can't seem to get much farther than that.

Lily: Of course! I'll let you know what I find soon.

Sy: Thanks hun! :)

Lily: Anything for my favorite Sy-entist ;)

Sy was smiling at the messages, she didn't notice Rena and Aether walk in. They looked at each other grinning.

Rena announced their presence with a "Soo who got you smiling like that?" moving her eyebrows up and down.

Sy jumped placing her phone down on the desk, clearing her throat with a slight blush across her cheeks. "Oh um just... Lily. She's going to do some recon in the next world before I send you over. I figured we could use the extra information upfront. So once we hear back from her we can get everything ready."

Rena sat down in front of Sy's desk. "Uh-huh. Seems a bit professional to be smiling like that. Does someone have a crush~?"

Sy straightened up "N-no. I don't know what you mean. So how's your training coming?" She averted her eyes to Aether who walked over and joined them.

"It's coming along nicely. It's just as I expected. Once Rena mastered the first element, the others became a lot easier for her. She'll likely have them all mastered in no time." Aether smiled towards Rena, who was a little miffed Sy changed the subject but figured they could come back to that later. She definitely wasn't going to let that go by without digging into the dirty details.

"That's good to hear. Rena, how are you feeling about all of it?" Sy turned back to Rena, hoping she'd forget about the question she asked earlier.

"Oh, I'm feeling really good about it. It does seem to flow a lot easier after learning more of the elements. I can't wait to blast out the fire element." She said smiling excitedly.

"Once you master fire and light, we can look into the dark element, but I want to warn you sometimes it can be a bit much to handle. It can literally drive you into darkness. It's essential to learn to unlock the secondary elements but I don't want you using it when you don't have to. Stick to the other elements if you are in a position to be fighting." Aether explained with caution.

Rena turned to Aether "Is dark really that dangerous?"

"For a human, yes it can be extremely dangerous. It is darkness after all. I just want you to be careful. You have a beautiful soul, Rena, and I wouldn't want it to be tainted by a darkness that can't be undone." Aether smiled softly at Rena.

To break the awkward tension, Sy's phone dinged and she perked up with excitement.

"Good news! Lily just got back to me with some information. Looks like she emailed me some files we should look at together." Sy opened her computer and pulled up the email.

Hey Sy!

So Here's what I found out about this world.

It's a world filled with superhumans. They possess powers they call "quirks". 80 percent of the world's population have these Quirks. They have a system sort of parallel to the government. They are called Pro Heros and they help fight off the villains.

As for the guardian, I couldn't find his exact location but I believe it's in Japan. I heard whispers of a villain group that might have captured them. The Liberation Army and the League of Vilians. I think they might be worth checking out.

I looked into the Pro Heros in Japan and I think we might have luck connecting with their new #2 Hero, Hawks. He might seem carefree based on his speech but I think he would make a great resource. Besides, the new number one just looks permanently pissed off.

I attached some videos and pictures of things you might find useful.

Hope everything goes well!

~ Lily ~

They looked at some of the photos showing images of the population of the new world. They also watched videos of some recent new castings and the last JP Hero Billboard Chart broadcast. There were a few videos on the League of Villians as well.

While this gave the group a lot of details for the next mission there were still a few things Rena would need to figure out once she got there.

"Alright Rena, remember, you need to go by your code name. Luckily in this world, the Heros have Hero names so they usually go by those. Your cover story can be that you are a Hero from America working on a secret mission. If anyone tries to dig more details out of that just say that you are following a high-profile villain who you believe has made their way to Japan. I want you to meet up with this Hawks guy if possible and chat with him. We can decide if he can be informed of all the details after we determine if he really can be trusted. He does seem a little too carefree and cocky in my opinion but I trust Lily when she says he will be a good resource." Sy explained, going over the mission notes she created for Rena.

Rena nods taking everything in. She was already missing her Fairy Tail friends but she was excited to explore this new world. It was almost just like her world, except for the quirks. She had always wanted to visit Japan back in her world so this would be almost the same, right?

"Oh and Rena, I think I adjusted the contacts to not cut out if you end up having to use your powers full force like last time. Hopefully, we can find the guardian before Odysseus sends one of his minions again." Sy continued. "Well, are you ready?"

"Yup! I'm ready!" Rena said with a smile.

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