(7) reprehension.

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(7) reprehension

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(7) reprehension.

(7) reprehension

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MAGGIE LUPIN had let out the loudest scream known to mankind before Jackie and Maggie grabbed each other's hand and they started jumping up and down as they squealed

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MAGGIE LUPIN had let out the loudest scream known to mankind before Jackie and Maggie grabbed each other's hand and they started jumping up and down as they squealed. This was their plan, Maggie had put in her name for consideration for Head Girl, she hadn't actually expected to get it but, they had a plan -- when Jackie became Quidditch captain, she would work on making the uniform cuter and if Maggie was Head Girl she'd work on bringing back several things, like the end of the year Graduation Ball for seventh years, duelling club, gobstones club, and elective art classes. This was their last year at Hogwarts and because all the losers before them had never paid any attention to make their experiences better, they'd do the heavy lifting. You're welcome, Hogwarts!

"Godric, you both just burst my eardrums!" Sirius stepped away from the girls with his hand on his chest, as if he was clutching his pearls. Remus walked into the Living Room in a hurry, the detergent still in hand, an alarmed look on his face before he noticed the two girls were screaming out of joy and got annoyed.

"Christ, Maggie. Keep it down!" Remus said, he huffed with frustration and crossed his arm as he set the detergent down on the counter. Sirius laughed at his screwed up face before he grabbed his friend by the shoulders and rested his head on it.

"Shut up, Remus!" came the collective response from both of the girls, Maggie wrapped her arm around Jackie's and glared at her older brother, "When was the last time you got the head badge? Oh, that's right you never got to be head boy!" Maggie said to her brother's sour face.

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