(17) the potters.

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(17) the potters

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(17) the potters.

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THE POTTER siblings had been born to an older set of parents, so while every other child got to roll around in dirt and also swallow it every once in a while -- they got to stay at home, in their clothes that never got dirty, and they got fussed o...

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THE POTTER siblings had been born to an older set of parents, so while every other child got to roll around in dirt and also swallow it every once in a while -- they got to stay at home, in their clothes that never got dirty, and they got fussed over by their parents. Fleamont and Euphemia had been trying for babies for years, they were so shocked when James was born that they hadn't even expected for Jackie to be born just a year later. James was supposed to be their rainbow baby, and so they hadn't really paid any mind to planning the next baby, Jackie had just happened. They couldn't have been happier though, when Jackie first came out -- she wasn't breathing and Fleamont all but died in that room with her, so she was their special baby. She got spoiled by everyone, including James. Yes, she was bullied mercilessly by her brother, but he loved her like no one else.

There was a tale, a piece of folklore almost, that the Potter men were specially connected to their daughters, and Godric did Fleamont feed the rumors. Jackie would barely spend any time not joined to his hip, she was either on his back, on his shoulders or being balanced on his hips. They were inseperable, but so were her mother and James. The first time Jackie ever left her parents was when she went to Hogwarts for her first year, and she'd screamed and thrashed and cried till her throat was raw, but then Monty sat her down.

"Baby, I know you're scared," Fleamont said, he wiped her cheeked which were rubbed raw and splotchy. Behind him, James was at his mother's side, tapping his foot on the platform floor impatiently and motioning at the invisible watch on his hand, "But do you remember the first time you left for the park? That was fun, wasn't it?"

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