(16) the mckinnons.

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16. the mckinnons.

MARLENE MCKINNON had lived a simple life all through her childhood, she lived in a house with three sisters and two brothers

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MARLENE MCKINNON had lived a simple life all through her childhood, she lived in a house with three sisters and two brothers. Four brothers if you counted her friends who lived across the street from her -- James and Peter. The betrayal had hurt her on a deeper level because for months she'd seen dark shadows out of the bedroom window of hers. She'd spend lazy mornings thrown across Dorcas' chest under the sheets, and then just in the corner of her eye she'd see dark figures outside. She'd mentioned it, her parents said she was crazy -- that if she spent more time sleeping than she did with her girlfriend she'd probably stop seeing those shadows. 

It hadn't even crossed her mind that Pete would do something like that, in her mind -- Pete was still the same boy with a bag of cookies in the playground, looking at James and Marlene with a frown. Marlene had proposed they befriend him, for his cookies, but then she liked him. She saw him again the day after, and then the day after. She remembered that day because she thought she'd made a brother. He was. He was her brother. No matter what he thought of himself later in their years, but he was.

Marlene could always tell there was something going on with him, he had issues, he couldn't imagine himself fitting in anywhere even if everyone else did. Sometimes Marlene and James would go out of their way to make him feel included, but they were human too. Sometimes they lashed out, couldn't give Pete the validation he needed. She regretted that a lot, wondered if things would've been different if they had just been patient with him.

She knew it wasn't true, though. James and Marlene could try and try and try, but they wouldn't be able to fix his thinking. That was just who he was, the person being able to make himself the victim of anything possible. 

"Marlene, hon, you alright?" Euphemia broke her out of her trance. Marlene smiled at the woman immediately, nodded and then went back to her food.

Dorcas' hand found her back. Dorcas, oh, her Dorcas -- she could live a thousand lifetimes and not deserve that woman. Dorcas had been her anchor through it all, the day Marlene found out about the betrayal, she fell into her bed and couldn't get out of it for days. Dorcas was the one who would whisper into her ear, bring her breakfast in bed, rub her back. Dorcas got Marlene out of that slump. 

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