(10) revolution.

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(10) revolution

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(10) revolution.

MAGGIE LUPIN couldn't believe her luck, it was like every little shitty thing that happened to her as a kid felt like it was an ant-bite, and this was a hungarian horntail biting a chunk off her skin

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MAGGIE LUPIN couldn't believe her luck, it was like every little shitty thing that happened to her as a kid felt like it was an ant-bite, and this was a hungarian horntail biting a chunk off her skin. She couldn't believe a few weeks ago she was whining about not getting enough attention from mommy and daddy and now here she was... being used a pawn against the most dangerous bunch of people in the wizarding world. An ant? She could stomp on with her boot, but this... no sane-minded human being ever went against a dragon and came out unscathed or sane-minded.

"That's bullshit," Jackie said as she threw the Daily Prophet on the table, they were all at the Potter Manor, once again, while safe places were being discussed for Hope and Lyall Lupin, the Lupin House was out of the question -- it was too risky, especially with Maggie on the front page of the Daily Prophet being paraded around like she was some sort of hero, "This is bullshit, they can't do this to you!"

Maggie sat at the dinner table with her head in her hands, she was nursing a headache for the past six hours now, "Someone clearly paid her to do it," Maggie pushed her bangs back, her eyes glossed over with whatever residue emotion she was still running on from yesterday, "Rita writes fluff pieces, the last three articles she wrote were about pink poodles making a return, and the economy making it harder to invest more money into high quality silks, so like, what the fuck is this?"

"I bet it was Bellatrix," Sirius said from beside Maggie, his hand was on Maggie's shoulder, giving light squeezes every once in a while, "She used to be all chummy with Rita when they were at Hogwarts. If anyone could've done this, it's her."

"I'm going to spit in her engagement dress and then blow my nose on it," Maggie said to everyone in the room and Jackie let out a snort, "No, I'm serious. I'll throw a loogie in there--"

"Yeah, well, invite me when you're ready," Sirius said to her, he seemed more pissed about the whole thing than Maggie did, "She was always a bitch, even when we were kids. You know, she once took Reggie's favourite stuffed dragon and set it on fire, just for fun--"

"Listen, Maggie, I think this might be good for us..." James started and Remus gave him a dangerous look, even James himself had a guilty look on his face as he continued speaking, "Okay, just hear me out. Dumbledore mentioned how many calls he got for people interested in joining the Order, didn't he? And the Order is a pretty underground operation... this sort of exposure is already turning people to our side--"

MAGGIE DARLING ! REGULUS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now