note to readers (about narc)

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The person I loved turned out to be a narc. No, it wasn't entirely a surprise to me because he would drop hints. But the hints would be so subtle, that they would go unnoticed because of the extra compliments and the overly nice behavior of the narcissist.
I cannot make anyone understand how it feels to be a victim of narcissistic abuse. It's terrible. Only one who went through it would understand.
It's like your whole life being sucked out by the narc, and we know that they are not treating us right. But they have just conditioned us to settle for the bare minimum. They gaslight, lie, confuse, manipulate, deny, and get defensive on being confronted.
I confronted him, and he discarded me.
And now, I'm just left lifeless, to just sit here alone and think about my self worth.

To anyone who has been through narcissistic abuse:
You are so strong, and I am proud of you for surviving it. You don't have to explain anyone anything. Just focus on yourself for now. Focus on healing.

To anyone who is going through narcissistic abuse:
Please, stand up for yourself. I know how hard it is. I really do. But it is really necessary to get yourself out of it. You can do this. I know you can.


I don't write 20 poems in one day, I just have them already written. So, I just publish them here. (Just saying because I've posted around 20 poems in one day, lol)

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