thank you

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"Thank you," she said, with a tear in her deep brown eyes.

"For what? I didn't do anything," he asked, innocently, and worried to see her getting emotional.

"For everything. You accepted me for who I am and not for what you imagined me to be," she admitted, squeezing his hand.

"I just want to see you happy. And if you looked out for yourself, it would make me happy too," he confessed, holding her in his arms.

I always thought that I was somehow never enough,
Until I met you.
You made me believe that I was enough.

I only imagined what it would feel like
To experience love.
But you made me feel what it is like
To be in love with someone.
Love is really just a word without you,
And I would not want to see a world
In which you do not exist.

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