together forever (his pov 2)

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His pov,

The first time I noticed her,
She was in her nude cream colored kurta.
Her hairs were wild curls
And she looked like she had been running all the way up.
She had been running up.
But in my eyes,
She looked absolutely mesmerizing.
I might have noticed her before this day,
During one of our class tests.
Each time I noticed her,
She kept getting prettier in my eyes.

She caught me looking at her a few times.
But she didn't confront me about it.
She likes it, maybe?

Her smile,
Her laugh,
The way she makes people feel good about themselves,
Her serenity,
Everything seems perfect about her.
Her life seems to be perfect.
No conflicts,
No arguments,
Understanding parents,
Everything sorted out.

The way she makes me feel good enough,
That I'm not disabled,
And I'm capable of doing things.
The way her arm felt against mine,
Warm and comforting.
I could live in that moment forever.

Her hair:
Wild, and curly.
Not so smooth,
But still absolutely perfect for me.

The smell of her shampoo and conditioner:
I would do anything to savor that scent.

Her smile:
It has the power to make others smile;
It's contagious.

Her laugh:
Is the music I could listen to all my life.
She is the tune to the lyrics of my life.

Her anger:
She looks like a cute lil angry bird when she gets mad.
And when she does get mad,
I just want to smile and hold her in my arms.

The way she goes on ranting when she's upset or having an attack,
I could listen to her ranting until my last breath.

Her hands have some magic in them.
Magic to heal people,
Heal me.
How do I tell her that I want her to hold my hand?

She's scared of men,
I don't want her to be scared of me.
I know she trusts me,
But I'd never want to prove her wrong for her choice.
I'm waiting for the day when we are finally able to hold each other's hands
And not worry about people looking at us.

Each time I looked down upon myself,
She made me realize how good I am.
She gave me hope when I needed it the most.
She spoke to me when I had no one to talk to.
She cared,
She told me that I mattered;
That she would cry if I died.
She understood my self hate,
And still accepted me;
Didn't judge me
For who I am.
This is what we want at the end of the day,
And how lucky I am,
To be able to receive all of this.

Her life is not perfect as it seemed.
She does not have understanding parents,
She does not love what she's doing,
She has trust issues,
She has anxiety,
She thinks she is a mess,
She has outbursts of anger at times.
But how do I tell her,
Even with all these,
She's still angelic.
She is an angel.
My angel.

We know we like each other.
But how do we tell each other?
She knows she deserves me,
I know I need her,
But we're both broken.
I'm healing from my past relationship,
And she's dealing with her anxiety.
We can help each other heal,
But she's scared of getting hurt.
The truth is that both of us are scared of hurting each other,
Maybe we are scared of loving,
And being loved by someone.

She asked me to bury her when she died.
The mere thought of losing her,
Of not being able to see her one day,
Scares me to death.
I said I would bury her,
But little does she know,
That while I'd be doing that,
I would be in floods of tears.

I wish I could pour my heart out,
Tell her how amazing she is,
How alluring,
And perfect she is for me.
Yes, she has her share of insecurities and vulnerabilities,
But in my eyes,
She's all I want,
All I need.

Maybe one day,
We will make it,
Together. Forever.

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