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It could've seemed like a stupid idea and a suicide attack, and honestly it was, it was simply that he had no better idea. Happily, at least, Erica seemed to follow him in his assault.

'Great, so at least I won't be the only one to die' he thought.

He tried to launch an attack on the cyborg left side, the normal one. But despite having a normal left arm, the cyborg was still a well-trained soldier and effortlessly catched Tyler's hand, before raising his cybernetic arm, preparing to use the blades to turn the drunkard into minced meat.

However, at this moment, Tyler suddenly used his other arm to take off his belt and use it as a whip, hitting the cyborg right in the temple. It didn't do much damage, but still distracted him enough for Erica to sneak below them and touch his ankle.

Immediatly, the cyborg's expression turned to confusion, as his focus diminished enough for Tyler to take back his hand.

'He can't see nor hear' the drunkard realized.

It seemed like Erica was actually a mutant that could, at least temporarily, turn off someone's view and hearing. But now was not the time to think more about it so instead, Tyler just kicked the cyborg out of the way as he and Erica started to run one last time, trying to reach the dark metal door before the cops arrived.

"You know, two millienias ago, whipping a black person was called racism, it was considered like a really low and despicable crime" Erica said while running and panting;

"You little... shut the fuck up and OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" Tyler screamed.

But it was seemingly too late, as the cops arrived and were already in position to shoot. Even if Erica opened the door in time, they wouldn't have the time to close it back before being reduced into human strainers.

But Erica didn't look nervous as she took a magnetic card off her shirt, grabbed Tyler hand and applied the pass against the door. Immediatly, they both passed through it, ending up inside the warehouse.

"How the... what just happened?" Tyler asked, stunned. "Did we just pass through the goddamn door?"

Erica raised an eyebrow for a second, but then laughed:

"Haha, right, sorry, I forgot you come from sector V, so it's normal you don't know about Fefnir technology" she said.

"Actually you're right, I don't know shit about that, mind explaining?" Tyler asked sarcastically.

"So basically, just remember that it's the technology used to make planets' environnements liveable and allow spatial ships to travel between them fast enough"

As she explained, she reach a sort of pad hidden in a corner of the warehouse. Only now did Tyler notice the strange shape of the warehouse:

"Wait a minute, is this place is a spatial ship?" he asked.

"Oh, you noticed? Yep, it was hidden there at least a month and somehow nobody noticed it" Erica answered, laughing a bit. "It's incredible how people will often notice the smallest details but not what's right in front of them"

"Wow, that's philosophical"

"If you say so... by the way, nice legs, people often say men too should shave them but it look really nice on you"

Tyler lowered his gaze, realizing he didn't have his pants anymore:

"I must have lost them after taking off my belt to attack the cyborg! Dammit!" he sweared.

"Hehe, that's what you get for doing racism" Erica mocked.

Tyler was going to protest again, but suddenly, a terrible noise came from the door, as a cybernetic arm sinisterly pierced through it.

Era of MadnessWhere stories live. Discover now