A reason to fight

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Harry's expression darkened:

"How the fuck did you guess?" he asked.

Tyler was taken aback. Even he didn't know how he guessed, it was like something inside of him told him...

'Wait a minute, if she's not human what the hell is she?' he wondered.

It would've looked pretty dumb to ask what she was if not human, knowing he was the one who pointed it out.

Happily, the other drunkard spared him the embarassement:

"Yeah, I don't know how you guessed it but yeah, Penny's an android" he said with a tone that was a bit too dry compared to before. "You got any problem with that?"

Tyler hastily shook his head:

"No. No, I don't really care" he said.

"Good, else you would've ended up with the vine bottle you wanted smashed in your pretty face" Harry threatened.

Tyler couldn't help but scoff internally: wasn't it a bit too much to say that when the old drunkard couldn't even walk straight to him?

However, his expression switched to perplexity as he saw Hary get on a knee to hug the android, Penny, with a bright smile appearing on his otherly inexpressive face:

"Oh, I'm sorry I ignored you, my little peanut" he said, gently rubbing her hair. "I'm just going to discuss a bit more with the annoying guest and then I'll go play with you, can you wait for a bit?"

"Of course dad, but come quickly!" Penny replied, giving the drunkard a kiss on his unshaved cheek before walking away with little jumps, laughing in a cute way.

The scene seemed so... so real, Tyler had trouble believing the girl was an android. Harry turned toward him:

"So, you wanted to know how you ended up in my little home?" he asked.

'Huh. We're just gonna pass on this entire android daugther thing?' he thought.

But once again, it was not like he truly cared, so he simply nodded while drinking some of the vine he borrowed -snatched- in the fridge, indicating Harry to talk.

"So here what happened" Harry said. "After you lads failed your little escape through sector A's terminal, your big friend- John I think?- managed to lose the people that were chasing you and the planet's surveillance systemsby doing the big jump"

Tyler raised an eyebrow:

"The big jump?"

"Jumping from the damn spatial ship with you unconscious deadweights strapped to him" Harry casually answered as if talking about the weather.

'Wait John did what?' Tyler thought, shocked.

Ignoring his shock, the old drunkard kept talking:

"Anyway, it just happened the place he chose was part of my garden. Then it just happened that I was wandering around the area at the exact same moment. Finally, it just happened I despise those bastards of the planet's direction that can't do any better than licking the Paradise Council's ass while stomping on people like stools so they can reach it, so I decided to help you lads with the sole purpose of bothering them"

Tyler waited for the next part, but it never came. Instead, seeing him waiting for more, Harry drank some large sips too, belched, and started laughing crassly:

"What? Were you expecting this to be a long and epic story?" he ironized. "Did you think there was a great reason, a great scheme that made me move to help you? Nah, as long as you're concerned you guys are just a way for me to bother those bastards"

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