Final battle 7

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Tyler slid on the floor, barely avoiding another blade that was about to cut him in half.

"Come on, Gentleman, stop running!" Melia scoffed. "Didn't you want to kill me? Because I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I won't die from exhaustion. At least not before you, from the look of it"

Indeed, Tyler was panting loudly, and even slightly trembling on his knees. He was still seeing the world around him slower than usual, but he felt like it wasn't going to last much more long. And yet, all he could do was to run around, waiting for an opportunity that was yet to come.

'So, did you finally understand that no matter how hard you try and how much opportunities you're given, you're still useless as shit? Heh, took you long, didn't it?' a voice in his head said.

It was the same voice he heard in his previous battle against Melia.

'Oh, shut the fuck up' he thought to himself.

In this situation, if even his own mind was against him, it would really become hopeless.

He started to run again, Melia on his tracks, all while dodging her attacks as much as he could. He went through numerous walls with Fefnir tech, constantly switching locations. A few reception halls, bars the size of a skyscrapers, multiple stadiums, very suspicious alleys of soundproof rooms, and a basketball field where he vaguely saw small breaches in the floor, as if something really heavy was dropped there.

However, he didn't found yet the place he was aiming for, and his time left to do so was shortening more and more.

'Come on, now would really be the time for a bit of good luck, like in novels' he thought.

'True, sadly even in novels, good luck is for main characters, not useless extras like you' the voice in his head said.

Tyler frowned. Even when it came from his head, truth was still harsh.

Right now, his only chance to reach the place he wanted to was to slow down, and actually take a few seconds to configurate the Fefnir tech in the wall. Only, in his current situation, slowing down and staying still for a few seconds was akin to suicide. And even assuming he managed to do it without gettingkilled or incapacitated, he had no doubt Melia was too smart to be tricked so easily.

So he kept escaping, even though his body was screaming from pain and telling him to stop, and his heart was screaming with rage and telling him to fight.

And finally, as he once again passed through a whole and went to another part of the Party Hall, he landed in the exact place he was looking for: the pools zone.

'Ok, now's the time for a pro-player move'

Tyler suddenly truned of his heels as Melia was still following him and trying to impale him with her blade-shaped arm... and he let her thrust it in his right shoulder.

"AH DAMN THAT HURTS!" he screamed from the horrible pain that overwhelmed his body.

For a short spli of second, his mind went blank from the sheer amount of pain and the sight of his own blood splattering everywhere around. But then, right before Melia could move her arm and cut his, he forced himself to move despite the pain, his left arm grabbing Melia's shoulder, the only part of her arm she hadn't turned into a blade as of now.

He spun and, using almost all his strength left, pulled her arm out of his shoulder and pushed her backward, screaming even more as the blade was cruelly pushed out of his shoulder and an unholy quantity of blood spilled out of him.

Normally, such a push wouldn't have done more than making Melia take a few steps back. And indeed it didn't do much more.

Only, they were atthe edge of one of the pool when Tyler confronted her, so Melia was left powerless as she fell into the deep pool. She immediately tried to get out, but Tyler kicked her in the face, pushing her back, twoard the middle of the pool.

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