Battle of the demigods 5, For his will had freed him

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Outside, on the rooftop of a tall floating building, Saginus couldn't help but be shocked in front of the abominations that were pulullating down below. They were all inform creatures, covered in irregular rotten teeth and moving, salivating tongues. These creatures were emitting messy, ethereal shriek and cries, that seemed to surge straight from hell itself. Instead of a face, or even a head, they had masks expressing the entire spectrum of humans emotions. Long, hook-like limbs were spreading from their entire bodies

"What the fuck is this..." Saginus swore.

"You're asking? Yet, it's your own creation" Cain replied as he appeared on the rooftop. "These creatures are the same as the ones that Londris' inhabitants see instead of other people. I was curious to know what they looked like, so while were having this nice conversation in this little Cifer's base, I used my Authority to wish them into reality"


"Indeed, why the surprise? I would really be an awful magician if I could only grant my own wish, wouldn't I?" Cain retorted. "Of course, recreating living beings, especially from other people's minds, proved a bit difficult. But happily, our pleasant conversation earlier left me enough time to do it"

"No... why would you even do that? You're an Angel, and you obviously have no interest to destroy others people dreams, so why?"

Cain sighed, as if this question had annoyed him:

"Tssk tssk, destroying others' dreams, evil, do you only have these words in your mouth? As one could expect, you're blinded, by your own greed to destroy everything" he said. "I'm doing this for the same reason as you: to reach my goal. Your goal is to crush everyone's lives, so naturally you'll act evilly to do so, that's a necessity. Similarily, my goal right now is to cause the most infamous genocide the galaxy ever witnessed, so I can get as much attention as possible to myself, so just as naturally, I'll also act evilly to do so, it's that simple.

As for the victims? Tell me, why would I be feeling guilt? You dont feel guilt when you step on a line of ants, no matter how long it is. And my love for humans is not anywhere higher than my love for bugs, therefore I treat both of their lives equally. It's not evil, it's pure fairness"

"I see... now, I understand why you're called the 'fallen' angel" Saginus said. "I should've really focused more on the first part of this title"

"Haha, you're right, dear friend, you definitely should have. But don't get it wrong, even the other Angels aren't as 'evil' as me, they're not any better than me. You couldn't notice this because you only saw them during battle, but all of my siblings are just as twisted as I am, if not even more. Power corrupts people, it's te reality of things. So naturally, be they Gods or Angels, who are born with true absolute powers, are the worst out of all. You thought you were the worst? Just because you blindly kill people out of pure impulsion? No, Saginus, you are just a beast, a beast forced to destroy other to compensate the void inside of itself. You're nothing but an empty shell"

"No, I... I am the Sin of Greed... I... I am a deity..."

"A deity? I see no deity in front of me. Only a dying beast"

Without any more world, he summoned another anti-matter ray into existence, piercing Saginus' heart while the latter was apparently too disturbed to react. Rendered unable to make his injuries by Cain, the Sin of Greed dropped on the floor, motionless.

Cain ignored his bodyas he walked to the edge of the building, and watched what was happening below: the nightmare abominations he had made real were now ripping off people's limbs, crushing their bones, making their blood spill everywhere. Because now, some of the monsters were actually real monsters and not humans they perceived as such, the few chances that Londris' inhabitants had to realize what was happening and stop fighting each other disappeared.

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