The origins of Evil 1

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Fefnir Era year 2431, Earth - London

"Babe, take a deep breath, it's amazing!"

"I... you're right! The air is so fresh!"

Ecstatic, just like hundreds of thousands of other Londonians, the young couple happily took large inspirations, enjoying the unprecedented purity of the metropolis' air. Something as simple as breathing was now seen entirely differently, it gave people the same feeling they would have had, had they consumed mint pills every five minutes or so.

It could seem like a detail, but it was actually a much, much more significant breakthrough: every bit of pollution in London had been successfully converted into pure air, as pure as it was a thousand years ago. A sight of hope, and of victory against the great plagues than were like grim shadows over the heads of humanity during the entirety of the Indrustrial Revolution Era, pollution and global warming.

It was from this moment on that humans realized the true face of Fefnir techology, this miracle born from the eminent Paradise Company: it was the ultimate hope of humanity, the key to their deliverance, to an eternity of constant evolution, and to the disarition of most if not all of their limitations.

At first, Fefnir technology's effects had only been tested on small unsignificant towns and, when it was verified that its application on the atmosphere didn't show any negative side effect for the inhabitant, it was also applied to multiple small cities, using its amazing properties so as to convert the pollution in the air.

The with this method was that, as long as the process was well-managed, not only the pollution could be rendered harmless... it could also be turned into energy!

Thirty years after its conception, even if Fefnir technology had barely started to be commonized, there wasn't a single significant governement in the world that wasn't aware of its nature as the fate-changer of humanity, and not a single cultured individual that didn't know, and praise its creator, the mysterious genius Feng Chang.

Mass production of Fefnir technology was still in-process, and not likely to happen before several more years at least, several decades more realisitically. But when it would happen, everything would become possible, this sight of the future that Londonians could experience when it was finally their turn to see the miracle of Fefnir technology filled their hearts with hope.

It was a similar feeling that went through the young couple. They had just returned from their honeymoon, and now got to experience such a wonderful surprise at their return!

Sadly, their joy was quickly replaced by anguish as the bride suddenly held her stomach, in pain.

"Honey, are you alright!?" her husband asked in panic.

"I... I think I'm gonna deliver!" she replied in pain.

She had already been pregnant for more than seven month before the wedding, and was now at almost eight months. Still, there had been no prior sign, it was all far too sudden!

The wife was rushed to the hospital, and her husband soon joined her. All exams reached the same conclusion: be it her or the baby, their chance of survival was low, really low.

"It's ok, Jake, it'll be okay, I know it" the wife said, smiling weakly. "All I need is for you to believe in me"

"Yes... you're right... everything will go well, Jerryl" he replied, clenching his teeth hard as he reached for her hand.

Even though his entire body was shaking and contracting, he still made sure that his hand on hers remained firm but soft.

"Everything will be okay"

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