The mistakes you can't fix 11

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Pierrick entered the place, which revealed itself to be a peaceful, large garden. He nervously walked in the fresh tall grass, doing his best not to walk on the colourful flowers filling the garden. And as he got closer to the center, he finally saw it, a tall figure sat at a small wooden table, arboring long hair that seemed to be made of pure gold.

"Finally, I have the pleasure to meet you, saint Pierrick. Apologize if the place seems a bit too unappropriate for a first encounter, gardens have always been the places where I feel the most at peace, as I used to spend time there with my youngest son. Maybe you would like to sit there for a bit, enjoying the view of flowers with me?"

His voice was like the most harmonious of melodies and, as he looked at him, Pierrick could fully His two clear golden eyes, warmer than every ray of sunlight the world had ever known, just as warm as his bright smile that seemed as if its kindness would make anyone looking at it drown in it. Without thinking, Pierrick walked to his side and sat, and couldn't hel but ask:

"Is this... truly you, my Lord?"

The Lord looked at a close geranium,and approached his hand from it:

"Your Lord? If you consider me as such, then I suppose I am" He said. "As for if I'm truly here..."

He moved his hand to touch the geranium, but it simply went through the flower:

"Sadly, my physical body is held somewhere else far away" He said. "But I promise you, for as long as possible, my mind is with you"

The scene felt surreal, and Pierrick would have cried if not for the shock he was feeling right now. As they sat side by side, they simply started to talk. At first, about the mission Pierrick had successfully completed, and then about more mundane subject. The governement of the Erniztius Stellar Field that was planning on slowly implementing their own currency into the economical system of the galaxy, the Tschekyll Stellar Field that was apparently getting taken over by a bloodline system, where several noble families would concentrate the power over every solar system forming the Stellar Field, the recent revolution in one of the Paradise Council's solar systems, and even their opinions on things as simple as their favorite dishes.

"Haha, this situation feels surreal" Pierrick couldn't help but say. "I couldn't imagine that You would... would..."

"That I would take interest in humanity's current interests?"

"Yes... After all, You abandonned us for our sins"

"I won't deny. Indeed, I took my distance from humans after realizing that even I wouldn't change their nature of perpetual grayness. But never once did I think about fully giving up on you. Not once did I not keep an eye to ensure that you all would live up and keep advancing. Not once did I lose interest in cultures across the territories"


"Tell me, saint Pierrick, there seems to be something obscuring your mind. Can you tell me what it is?"

Pierrick ticked. Earlier, his friend had asked a similar question, and he had denied that anything was wrong. But this time, the words flowed out of him before he could even think them:

"On Cifer's planet, I killed a child" he said. "I didn't want to do it, I just intended to stop him from getting closer, but at this moment, a sudden attack came from an unexpected angle, and lost the control of the ice you blessed me with, and killed him. The reason he attacked me in the first place was because, in a crossfire, his parents actually were touched and died, and he was trying to get revenge. After that, I was also hurt, and began to retreat, but a man got in the way, the same who shot me.

An intense confrontation followed, and I really had trouble despite him not being a cyborg or a mutant, but I eventually won. But it didn't feel anything like a victory. The man was just trying to obtain justice for the kid, and he died to my hands for this. I always knew I would have to make horrible decisions in my lifes, and I already did some at the time, but it was the first time that I truly felt like I truly was the villain of the story. And in fact, I was the villain, and I had just killed the hero.

After that, I tried to justify myself, telling myself that it was all to reach a goal that would help building a better future. But when we were attacked on our way to return by these cultist scums from the Empire, only our spaceshipcould escape. I was unable to do anything, and I had to watch the few spatial ships that survived the confrontation with Cifer get destroyed, with my arm broken almost permanantly and my legs unable to move properly. I believe I did everything I could for humanity, yet I couldn't even protect my own companions... Even I can't forgive my own sins, I'm truly beyond salvation"

A leaf fell in between them and, unable to control himself, Pierrick ended up freezing it, and watched it as it decomposed into small ice particules that flew through the garden before disappearing. The Lord watched it disappear, but kept his smile:

"You are making a mistake, Pierrick" He said.

"Huh? What do You mean, my Lord?"

"You tell me all of this expecting for me to judge you. But that is not my role: judging yourself is your own role, or at least the role of the laws of the society you live in. I apologize once again, because I can't offer youthe sanction you seem to ask for, all I could offer you is the consolation of an attentive listener"

At this point, Pierrick started tearing up, as if he had became a child once again. In fact, for the being sitting beside him, he was one.

"Th-thank you, my Lord" he said. "I can't understand how You are able to show such kindness to all of us, believers or enemies, it is truly worth of God"

The Lord, God, looked above. The garden was only covered by a transparent protective dome, which gave them a full view of the majesty of the cosmos:

"Enemies? There is no such a thing as enemies for me, only rivals, partners in the perpetual movement of humanity, and of this beautiful world we live in" God said. "When they look at the stars in the night sky, people see enemies, allies, they feel desire and fear. But all I see is the beauty of the cosmos. The beauty of this world where the flowers of humanity will keep blooming... until the end come"

The Lord turned to Pierrick, and his smile was brighter than ever:

"But until the end arrive, not once will I ever stop to love humans"

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