Battle of the demigods 3

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Cain transwalked after Saginus a few time, chasing after him for a few minutes across the globe.

"Stop running away, you can't escape!" Cain said, though without truly trying his best to catch up.

Eventually, after a bit of chasing around, they arrived in a luxurious office, isolated from everything else. Inside, sat on a comfortable chair in front of a large desk with multiple digital boards spread across it.

"Come on, come on... work!"

While biting his thumb, he was desperately trying to get help from the Replublic, the Council or whoever he could get help from, but the communications with the outside of the planet were simply cut. With everything that was happening, with people everywhere around the globe losing their minds and killing each other, it felt as if they had entered another world. A hellish one... no, actually, a true hell in the mortal world, assuming they were still in it.

Fortunately, he had the reflex to isolate himself in his office quick enough. For some reason, he had kept his mental sanity.

"It's a shame for all these people... but it seems that I will be the only survivor"

As the planet director of one of the ten great touristic planets in the Milky Way, he naturally had many advantage in almost every possible category. This included one of the most secure office possible, that could resist any form of nuclear explosion. And of course, it had the best Fefnir technology, including survival one: with the matter and energy conversion systems, it could turn anything from the outside, including polluted air, into breathable oxygen and consommable food and water.

Spending months in there all alone would definitely prove to be hard, but he'd do with it, he had enough things downloaded on his devices to not get too bored until someone came and rescued him.

Or at least, that's what he thought until he notied Saginus' presence:

"Who-" he started as he tried to take a gun out.

He was cut by the Sin of Greed swiftly sweeping his legs and taking the firearm from his hands at the same time, pointing it at him.

"Ok, it happens I deem it pretty unfair of you to just shield yourself in your little bunker office when others are so bravely killing each other" Saginus said. "So, here's a little quiz that you'd better answer quick: why shouldn't I shoot you here and now?"

"You... you wouldn't dare" the planet director said. "I don't know how you got here but I have relations that would hunt you to the end of the world if you really did... you, you wouldn't dare..."

Saginus turned to Cain:

"Do you hear that, 'dear friend'? The great planet director isn't scared of me because apparently, I 'wouldn't dare' killing him" he said befoe turning back to the director: "Is that so? You're really, reeeaaally sure I wouldn't? Well if you're so sure, let's test this theory"

Saginus fored the gun's barrel in the director throat and pulled the trigger. As brain matter splattered over the office, he burst into laughter:

"Ahahaha, hehehehe, HAHEHEHAHEHA! Oh, look like you were wrong, you were SO WRONG! HAHAHA!" Saginus laughed evilly as he kept firing more bullets all over the planet director's body, splattering even more blood in the office.

"I'm sure you must've find that really funny, my question is what use is it?" Cain asked.

"Oh, you mean beside getting rid of naughty cheaters? Keep guessing!" Saginus said as he transwalked to another bunker.

In the span of barely ten minutes, he killed over two hundreds 'cheaters', as he called them.



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