The mistakes you can't fix 3

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John started with with a quick punch toward his friend's face, that the latter dodged without much trouble before striking with the side of his hand, aiming for John's neck. The latter effortlessly parred, and they continued by exchanging a few moves, both kicks, punchs, elbow strikes and everything they could manage to throw. From an exterior viewpoint, the fight might seem fair and balanced but in truth, John was the one who clearly had the edge: Clark had to spend a lot more energy in their exchange to compensate for the weight, height and raw strength difference, and even then he was still the one getting pushed back. At the rate things were going, he was soon about to lose.

Clark quickly thought of a solution to win despite the disadvantage, and his conclusion was that his best chance would be ground-wrestling. But to have ground wrestling, he first would need to throw John on the floor, something he wasn't even sure a bull could do.

'Heh, I'm not a bull anyway' he thought.

He faked tripping, only to restore his balance at the last moment and avoided getting grabbed by John. The latter, out of balance due to his friend's trick, couldn't resist when Clark grabbed the back of his knees and threw both of them to the floor. They wrestled on the floor for a bit but eventually, John managed to get Clark in a kneebar lock. THe latter was still struggling to free himself and avoid complete submission but his resistance obviously wouldn't last long:

"Sorry Clark... No... therapy for me..." John said, gritting his teeth due to the intense effort.

"Nice..." Clark said.

"Nice? At least... you're a... fair loser, hehe..."


"Gnn... nice what?"

A few seconds passed before Clark finally chuckled:

"Nice view of your ass from there" he said.

John almost choked, and Clark used his surprise to quickly kick him away, and followed with a headlock, completely immobilizing John.

"I won" he said before releasing his friend, all while still chuckling.

"Argh, what was that?" John protested. "Aren't you ashamed to win by acting like a damn pig?"

"Hmm, let me think... Nope, being a pig isn't a forbidden move, and if it's what it takes to get you to therapy it's worth it" Clark said, shrugging, before bursting into laughter once again: "But really, you actually were tricked by this? I can't even say it's the oldest trick of the book, because I'm sure as hell it's even older, hahaha"

John pushed him away, grumbling:

"Yeah, I'm sure that sexual harassement is even older than narrow-minded people" he retorted.

"You're gonna sue me?" Clark asked, faking worriness.

You're unbelievable, Clark. Fine, I'm going to therapy, but you can be sure I'm dragging you there with me every time, no matter what your men say"

"Heh, work by me, this way I'll just have to tell them that a certain giant teddy bear is too afraid of the mean therapist to go on his own"

No matter how upset John got, he couldn't help but burst into laughter, quickly followed by Clark, and they both only stopped several minutes later:

"Oh stars, Clark, you know I can't stay mad at you" John said as he pressed his hand to try and get up.

He stopped pressing after realizing he had accidentally put his hand on Clark's. He waited for him to take it off, but the latter didn't. They both looked at each other and their eyes locked.

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