The origins of Evil 2

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Everything had started when his parents had bought him these old dvd's, when Wises was two. An interesting fact about him was that he already knew how to talk, and even read, a few days after his second birthday. Not because he was an amazing genius, even though he was above average, but because his parents made sure to give him all the attention needed to make sure he would develop early and smoothly.

That was a particularity of the second half of the Industrial Revolution Era: many things happened, especially from a political viewpoint, and yet this second half showed little to no major technological breakthroughs. Instead, focus was put on other domains such as education, for instance: in these times where getting a job kept getting more and more complicated since both the qualifications and the competion were constantly getting harsher. Thus, books and methods concerning children's education, to at least maximize the chance of them growing into fully capable adults, had been widely popularized in rich countries such as the United States, Germany, France or in this case the United Kingdom.

And thus, as he knew how to speak and read at this very young age, his parents really quickly introduced him to their shared hobby, that helped them to get closer at the beginning of their relationship: old hand-drawn animated disney fairy tales movies.

As he watched these movies, he quickly came to realize one thing: the heroes... were lame. All their objectives and struggles, dripping with kindness, moral and love, they were all pointless. Those heroes just let themselves be carried into the story by the plot, and then only reacted based on these worthless dreams... so despisable.

Which didn't mean he didn't like the movies: in fact, he loved these! For his two-year-old brain, the plot was always really enjoyable. But more than this, there were the villains: he loved the way these were but pure evil. It seemed so funny! No filthy heroic objective to carry them up, just the sake of evil and the amusement coming from this. Eventually, though, they always ended losing.

Wises had then come to a conclusion: people with dreams, and those with the world on their side always won. Such an unfair conclusion!

After a while, he had watched all these movies, and therefore switched to the novels they were inspired from. Years later, he still remembered how stunned he had been when he realized how different the stories were: in these, the protagonists didn't win all the time. In fact, there were many times where they ended up dying due to their own carelessness, as the novels had been made a long time ago, during the Middle Age and Modern Era's.

But even then, he felt disappointed: even when the protagonists had a cruel fate, it was due to their own mistakes. Why did these stupid tales always ended up punishing either evil, either careless people? Such unfairness! Such lack of realism! Several times, even before reading these novels and watching these movies, he had walked in the living room while his parents were watching the TV and, all these times, there were always news about some bad people... these 'politicians', as his parents told him. And almost every time, they got away without trouble.

But that was okay. Because at this moment, he had made a decision, the decision of following his dream: the dream to win as the villain! He would destroy all these moral and good people, and also all these corrupted people, without distinction, and it would be ok because he wouldn't be like these disney villains that lost because they didn't have a dream, but he wouldn't gome up with some stupid goal either.

From this moment, Wises had decided that it was his goal: living by feeding on other people's vain dreams, and living through these dreams forever.



Ten years later, and Wises was already thirteen. At this time, his pain was at his highest, because he had eventually come to realize what the greatest obstacle in the way of his dream would be: society. In this world, if one killed, they would instantly face the law, along with the social pressure of their peers. Every time he had wanted to kill someone after destroying their dreams, he couldn't, because he knew that he would have to pay the price, either years in prison or even death penalty if he persisted through that.

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