Ghost London's last nightmare 2

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As they fell off the window, Tyler quickly released the creature's arms and used its body as a springboard to gain the necessary momentum. He managed to land on the pupetized Nova beast's body, while the amalgamation kept falling until it crashed on the ground far below with a loud thud. Never before had Tyler been so happy not to be afraid of heights.

He started running along the body of the gigantic ethereal snake-like beast, as if he tried to use it as stairs to reach the top of the clock tower. However, suddenly, the body of the beast dematerialized under his feet, and he fell through it...

... just as planned.

"John, do it NOW!" he screamed.

At this moment, from the ground far below them, somthing quickly extended toward him: an automatic bridge!

When Tyler learnt that Mavarel was at the top of the clock tower, this had been the first plan to cross his mind: with most of the automatic bridges of the city unfonctionnal, there were still some of them that could still ensure their function. However, due to the fall of half of Ghost London, many of those were now linked to nothing on the other side.

Therefore, once activated, they would simply extend infinitely, or at least at the fullest of their capabilities. They knew for sure that New Big Ben, before the tragedy of Ghost London, New Big Ben was part of the floating structures and thus, as the main attraction of the city, many automatic bridges were connected to it. He and John had searched for a long while, and finally found what they were hoping for: functionnal automtic bridges that were previously linked to the clock tower.

Except that now, with New Big Ben's fall, as long as he had the good timing, it wouldn't lead Tyler to the entry, but the top of the tower!

Tyler grabbed the edge of the bridge right as it was extending. Others would've likely gotten their finger broken due to its extension speed, but in his current state, Tyler felt it pretty slow and easily managed to grab the edge as the automatic bridge kept taking him higher and higher.

'Wait... does the Blessing not only change my perception of time, but also the relationship between his body and the time flow?' he wondered.

Maybe being an apostle wasn't so bad after all. Nobody had asked him anything related to it, and it constantly saved him. Maybe...

'Stay focused mr. denial, the big snake's getting angry' the voice in his mind said.

Tyler looked in front of him: the gigantic body of the snake-like Nova beast, previously wrapped around the clock tower, was now extending... toward the bridge!?

'Oh, damn, this thing wants to make the bridge snap!' he realized.

If the puppetized Nova beast's fangs closed on it, the bridge would without a doubt break in half. Now, the only question was to now which would be the faster, the beast or the technology?

"Come on, go faster!" Tyler prayed as the Nova beast's claws were about to close down on the only thing that kept him from a deadly fall.

Eventually, as he realized he would reach the good distance a fraction of second too late, he used the automatic bridge as a springboard to jump the last few meters separating him from the window of the clock room and managed to grab on the edge with his left hand's fingers. Slowly, painfully, he managed to grab with his right hand too and, ultimately, passed through the frame of the glassless window.

With a loud thud, he fell inside the clock room and rolled on his back, bone tired. However, he couldn't even get a few seconds of rest, as he forced himself to roll back up to barely avoid getting crushed by a gigantic arm.

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