Battle of the demigods 1

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"Come on, little Greed, move faster!" Cain said as he appeared right behind him.

"Tssk" Saginus said.

They were disappearing and reappearing somewhere else every second, but not without exchanging a few strikes in-between each teleportation. Saginus tried to kick Cain in the left temple, but the latter simply lifted his leg above his head, accompanied it until Saginus lost his balance, and then swiped his other leg so he'd fall. Saginus tried to teleport away, on the top of a floating building, but Cain teleported him next to him.

Cain prevented Saginus from getting back on his feet, and the latter fell hardly on the concrete roof with a loud noise, his back cracking. without leaving him the chance to get up, he threw him off the rooftop. Saginus managed to teleport closer to the floor to shorten the fall, but still hurt himself badly as he crashed on the ground hundreds of meters below.

"Come on, come on, don't you know the saying?" Cain asked. "Humanity is immortal, human is skilled"

He landed right beside Saginus and the latter barely managed to teleport away before getting his head stomped on. He reappeared a few dozens of meters away, panting.

"We angels are born from Christeus' power and humanity's common faith, so unlike you we can't die" Cain continued. "Until now, it has always been accepted that Great Sins compensated with their skills since you were humans chosen for your affinities and skills from the beginning, while we were beast before becoming what we are now"

He sighed, seemingly disappointed:

"So tell me, are all of you frauds, or is it just you in particular being a disappointement?" he asked. "Tssk tssk, you're making me ashamed to have the same Authority as you, even when she wasn't using hers at all, Yoria was still a bigger threat than you."

Saginus rolled his eyes:

"Yes, sure, whateve you say. Oh, but all this reminds me you're acting like a magician these days, right?" he said. "Then here's a magic trick for you"

He snapped his fingers, and all the injuries accumulated in the previous minutes of fighting disappeared as if they never existed, leaving him fesh and unscattered. Cain, indifferent, applauded:

"Yes, it is indeed a good trick" the fallen angel said. "But I'm starting to get tired of tricks, and I'm pretty sure you are as well, so why don't we directly move to the actual battle?"

Saginus raised an eyebrow:

"Real battle? Stop bluffing, a real battle would bring 'their' attention, and I know you don't want that" he said. "Because as you prove by acting from the shadows until now, you're a coward: you'd never start a battle like this with the certitude that right after, you'd have to escape them"

"Interesting, but if we follow that reasonning, doesn't that make you a coward as well?" Cain retorted. "Let alone the planet, you were too scared to even attack New London directly, and had to wait for this simpleton to do the job for you... Mavarel, right? When I said you're bringing shame to the Great Sins, it looks like I hit right"

Saginus shrugged:

"You're right, I'm a complete coward" he replied. "To be honest, fighting Angels or other Great Sins isn't my thing, tormenting the weak and defenseless is a lot funnier. My point is, I know you're bluffing, so stop acting as if you suddenly became like Pride, seeking death fights all the time, and tell me what you really want"

Cain chuckled, reaching to the inside pocket of his suit:

"Oh, I see, so you won't believe me whatever I say" he said as he took some strange spheres out of his pocket. "Well, I guess actions speak louder than words"

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