Battle of the demigods 7

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Yoria genuinly felt no surprise as she heard Yohan's reply. In the first place, what happened inside of Ghost London was far too secret for him to know this much on it without being implied, careful observation or not.

"And why would a senator from the Council provoke such a disaster?" Yoria asked. "I never had much appreciation for you people, but you doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd do such a thing"

Yohan agitated his hands in front of him:

"Please, don't get the wrong idea! In the first place, all I wanted was to help them to quite crime" he said. "I met them across one of my political travels and, despite being criminals, they both seemed like people with a chance of redeeming themselves. To help them change, I simply used my Blessing to show them a scene that might happen in the future. Originally, after seeing it, the shock was meant to induce the change in them, to make them want to help people"

"But Saginus didn't really like this scenario" Yoria guessed.

"Correct. He appeared out of nowhere, granting Mavarel a Blessing while twisting his mind. Eventually, it led to the latter and Jack arriving to the point of no-return, and cause Ghost London's creation. Saginus... in my entire life, it was undoubtably the first time I ever came across such a vicious individual. I must say, even though learning that such an infamous person can be born among humans was really saddening, he really seemed like an interesting person. It's a shame he has never been one to enjoy an honest discussion"

"Indeed, as his colleague, I never considered him as anything but treacherous trash. My question, now, is: what kind of scene did you show Mavarel and Jack to induce that much of a change in them?"

"Excellent question. Let's just say that if, or when this happen, even the demigods and Blessing users around won't be safe anymore. Hmm, talking about danger, I think I have one last question to ask you, and then I'll leave you alone. Is that alright for you?"

'Of course he doesn't answer the question' Yoria sighed internally.

She felt extremely curious, and pretty annoyed by this cliff hanger, but at the same time, she knew that now wasn't the time for that kind of thing when the planet could collapse any time. Sadly, she had to end this discussion:

"Go on, ask your question" she said.

"Fine, then I'll ask it the same way I did for Tyler: for you, what is the most important, freedom or the things you cherish?"

Yoria didn't hesitate even for a fraction of second:

"Freedom, it's all I ever wanted, and also reason I'm currently betraying the Empire" she replied. "I'm a Great Sin, anyway, I don't have anything I cherish"

She walked to Tyler's corpse and collected it:

"Thank you for this pleasant discussion, I'll be going now" she said before transwalking away, leaving Londris for good.

Yohan softly sighed and shook his head:

"Really, it's saddening to see someone lie with so much fervor. She could just have been honest and answered the same as Tyler" he thought out loud. "Well, I don't know if I would have truly preferred that, in truth..."

He laughed and brushed it off.

"Now that it's done, I just have one thing left to do... saying hello to my adorable sister before she leaves Londris. I wonder how angry she'll be to see me"

It was with that question in mind that Yohan too left Ghost London.



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