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"Human beings in mob, what's a mob to a king, what's a king to a god, what's a god to a non-believer, who don't believe in anything."

The dog didn't leave. The last night before Grover insisted they would be at camp it even crawled up to Pandora. The last day of walking Pandora realised it bonded with her, a lot more than Grover for the record.

"Think I should give it a name Grover." Pandora pet it's head as the dog walked beside her, hardly leaving her side, "Something scary, it is a hell hound is it not?" Grover gulped sending another dirty look to the hound.

"Why not, I won't be separating the pair of you anytime soon." He groaned pacing himself up the hill. Thankfully Grover had packed water and food for the four day journey so at least the pair weren't hallucinating as they continued up the hill.

"How bout Reaper boy." She pet its coat lovingly, Grover coming to a stop at the top.
"Reaper, like it Grover." She taunted, "Like the grim reaper, spooky right." Grover silenced her with his hand waved.

"We're here Pandora." He stuck one hand into the air, suddenly the rippling of a barrier appearing. "Alright ditch the mutt." He turned to face the pair, Reaper baring his teeth at the satyr.

"What the hell Grover, you just said you weren't separating us." Pandora complained looking to her new companion, "Besides I've given him a name." The touch of Pandora's hand calming the angry creature down.

"Monsters can't enter the barrier Pandora, unless they're invited." He muttered rather smartly, a smirk on Pandora's face. She took a large step forward past the barrier before looking to the hound outside.

"Reaper, I officially invite you in." Grover groaned dragging a hand across his face, as the dog followed her past the barrier.

"You're insufferable." He joined the girl and hound leading them down towards the abundance of noise in the distance, "Before we walk in let's go over some stuff Pandora." He rubbed his neck awkwardly growing closer to the camp.

"Haven't we covered everything Grover, I'm a forbidden child, everyone wants to murder me, and me bringing my dog in will worsen that urge to.. well murder me." Grover nodded in thought for a moment.

"Stay away from Ares kids, they will murder you." Grover pat her shoulder leading in through the group of buildings. The chattering noise grew to silence as Pandora and Grover were spotted, a huge hell hound at her side.

Pandora drowned out Grover's voice who seemed to be informing everyone the hound was with Pandora. The air filled with whispers as the scarred girl with a monster entered the camp. Hades daughter, scarred and accomplices by a monster, dirty looks weren't the worse of it.

Thankfully Pandora didn't have to endure it much longer, a tall figure moving towards them. Pandora's eyes widened as she watched the man move closer, instead of legs his entire body was a horse. A centaur of she could recall.

"Pandora Walker welcome to Camp Half-Blood." She huffed a breath still rather distraught with the prying eyes around her.
"I see, you've brought something from your journey." He looked to the hound hesitantly. "If you'd come with me I'm sure we can come to an arrangement." Grover nodded at Pandora as she picked up her feet walking through the camp, every whisper mentioning her name.

No one dared to step in the way of Hade's daughter, the growling hell bound behind her a friendly reminder. She followed the teacher across camp thankful when they were indoors, Reaper beside her panting.

"I trust your journey was a safe one Pandora." She stood opposite to the centaur hesitant.

"Before I'd even met Grover I was seconds away from being burnt alive by a dragon, then half way on my journey a lion tried to murder me so yes, rather a safe journey." She snarled immediately regretting the words once she realised the man probably had some power in the camp.

"Take a seat please." She obeyed falling into the seat, a small smile on the man's face at her words. "My name is Chiron, I am the director for Camp Half Blood." She nodded rather bored as she scanned the odd shaped office.

"I'm sure you understand the situation you are in Miss Walker." He gained her attention once again with her last name, "Hades has come to some agreement with Zeus and Poseidon to let you live." He stated.

"I'm sure to make up for the 15 years he left me with my mother." She huffed, "What is this 'director'.. because I don't understand why I'm here. I hardly know what I am, and I'm sure you won't be able to tell me considering I'm the only forbidden child alive. According to Grover anyway." She sat up, a calm hand entangled with Reaper's fur.

"I won't be able to Pandora." He sighed, "You have to find who you are for yourself. My only hope is camp helps you too." Pandora seemed to of calmed down significantly. "I'm sure you are tired from your journey Pandora, I'm sure Grover can lead you to where you will stay." He turned his attention to the satyr lurking in the doorway frightening the boy.

"Yeah.. yeah I can do that." Pandora stood hardly finished with the conversation.

"I'm sure you have loads of questions, they can be answered tomorrow Pandora, about your creature—

"Reaper, can I keep him." Pandora cut him off looking to the hound by her feet.

"I'm sure the hound can stay as long as its murdering tendencies are confined." Pandora nodded her head at the man with a smile, "Good evening Pandora Walker." With that Pandora left the building following Grover.

Despite the sun nearly set, hardly any teen had retired to the bed. Uncomfortable again
Pandora wandered past the whispers led to a cabin a fair way away from the others.

Grover stopped in front of the dark wooded cabin hesitantly looking to Pandora. "You'll be the only one staying in it Pandora, I'm sure it's—." Pandora didn't mind the spooky exterior of the cabin, her companion beside her.

"Perfect, better than the forest floor, night Grover." She moved past him, "Come on boy." The hound bounded after her, the steps echoing against the worn wood. She pulled the door open revealing the interior of the cabin.

In the cabin sat a variety of things, mostly old artefacts, the only light, candles lit along the wall, blue flames flickering. "Not bad huh boy." Upstairs sat two rows of beds one in each corner of the room. Despite the dark coloured sheets and dimly lit room, Pandora adored it. Much nicer then the homes her mother and her lived in.

She decided to explore the rest of the house the next morning pulling the covers back wearily.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now