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After Pandora's stunt with Dahlia things got worse. With both Ares and Demeter's cabin despising her, camp didn't feel as safe as it once did. "One more week Reaper, one more week and I'm out." She cut along the ground as she walked. Her sword sliced through grasses and shrubs along the ground.

Saytrs weren't her biggest fans either.

Reaper barked at passersby's as she stalked the camp. "Step two." She held her hand up suddenly impaled with an arrow. Screams echoed through camp as a flock of birds descending upon camp. Stymphalian birds.

Pandora pulled the arrow embedded in her wrist swivelling around, all she had to was let the flames consume and skin and she practically untouchable. Some campers had their swords out while others were being brutally attacked.

"Castellan!" Luke ducked again his sword directed to the sword as he swivelled to meet her. "I'd get the twins." He seemed to understand what she insinuating taking off.
Being Hermes kid, Luke was at least faster than her gathering Archers almost immediately.

"Reaper, bow." The huge hound bounded off leaving Pandora alone. "Death." The birds ducked down again, Pandora noticing beside Clarisse was swinging her spear wiping out a few of the metal birds.

"Hello Clarisse." She could have her opportunity. Nobody would see with the birds as distractions. Not yet. "Duck." Pandora rose her sword swiping across Clarisse's head almost burning the ends of the hair.

In the distance orders continued to be barked, each camp counsellor organising their own cabin. Beside her Reaper slid to a step, a bow in his mouth. With all the loose feather arrows across the camp, it wasn't hard to find an arrow. The metal arrows were alight as Pandora shot upwards knocking out a few birds.

After a few more shots, Pandora weakened the flames across her skin dying off, a trickle of blood from her nose. "Shit." Clarisse who was sticking by Pandora cursed noticing a flock had directed around targeting to pair.

"Feel like covering me death." Pandora nodded shooting towards the birds as Clarisse enacted her plan. With a planned jump Clarisse swung her electric spear, electricity crackling along the birds as they made contact. The flock dispersed most hitting the grounds around the girls.

Pandora's split palm was killing her but she'd faced worse, shooting a final bird before her bow dropped. Monsters in the camp. Because- well because of her.

Hundreds of metal birds lay scattered across the camp, wounded teens everywhere. Her eyes scanned in the distance, Dahlia was practically unscathed tending to the twins who were both covering in slices and cuts.

Annabeth too was hardly cut, only a few tears on the bottom of her shirt. Clarisse beside her sent her a hesitant glance. "..thanks death, for- for covering me." Pandora turned to face the head strong daughter of Ares.

"Don't mention it." She wished Clarisse hadn't thanked her, nothing to thank her for. Analysing her wounded hand a moment she took off towards her hell hound licking at the small cuts on his back.

"Reaper, could you." The dog bounded forward licking Pandora's face in which she turned in disgust. "Not there you mutt." Reaper's mouth closed viciously a moment.
"Sorry, here." She rolled her eyes looking off as she felt the wound of her hand begin to heal.

"Pandora, are you-?" She stood holding her hand for him to inspect.

"Fine." She huffed after he touched the blood appearance of her hand satisfied when he realised it had healed, "You?" He nodded his head revealing the small cuts along his right arm, his sword arm. Their conversation felt like normal. Like two friends talking. It didn't feel that way after a second.

"Good, just got to check with Chris, sure you're alright?" She hid the her hand behind her back as she watched his eyes flickering to her wrist.

"Fine Castellan." He jogged off leaving her alone. She tilted her wrist back in front of her, black veins clawing under her skin.
"Step two, six more days Reaper." She pet the beast beside her. 6 more days.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now