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Pandora tried to ignore the whispers circling the next few days since she had appeared from the darkness again. Percy had been granted the quest, the master stolen by.. Pandora's father. Supposedly. Everyone seemed to pick a fight with her. She was the cause of the war everyone saw it.

Even Luke's siblings were among the teens spreading nasty rumours about the girl. Mr D had threatened to murder Pandora quite viciously if she didn't return the bolt. Chiron reminded him she hadn't attended the winter solstice, but Dionysus didn't care.

Percy had left no less than a week ago and everyone was desperate for answers. If she wasn't avoiding nasty traps set by Are's cabin for her, she was argueing with Dionysus and Chiron.

"I should bloody well crush you to death." Usually Pandora knew Dionysus was lying, this time she wasn't too sure. "Pathetic excuse of a demi-god, should've know your father—" His mumblings trialled off as Chiron cleared his throat.

"He's- shut- me- out- Dionysus." She spelled out, his full name angering the god further. "Even if he did steal the bolt, it was not by my aid." She seethed gripping tensely at the arm chair again. "Second point, you've sent a group of children to retrieve the bolt in my father's domain, don't you think I could've fetched it with ease."

Dionysus thankfully had distracted himself glowering in the distance, "Lastly not sure if you can recall I tried to murder Percy Jackson for stealing the bolt! Why would I have performed such an act if I stole it!" The tips of her hair lit up as she sunk back into her chair. Only after a stern look from Chiron.

"The quest stated three Pandora, this did not include you my dear. Besides your father has shut you out, how do you suppose you track the bolt." Pandora flushed red sitting up again.

"I'd have better luck than sending Annabeth across the country to find an entrance, she might not survive till." Pandora huffed again collapsing back into her seat. She had repeated the action constantly, that afternoon one of many petty arguments.

With the lack sleep and her constant attempts to contact her father she was feeling weaker than usual, "I could research something, there's hundreds of dark books in my cabin if I could just-"

"It is Annabeth's fate Pandora, you must have more faith in them." Reluctantly Pandora nodded running a tired finger between her eyes. "I do not believe you stole the bolt Pandora, despite what Mr D thinks." She felt pride a moment disappearing quickly as reality crashed back onto her.

"It's not- It's not enough." She exclaimed fatigued, remaining sat, "I hear them everywhere I go Chiron. Hades daughter the thief, the traitor— Embarrassment to gods!" She tried to calm herself with soft inhales, "It is not enough. I'm being framed and I can't prove my innocence because my useless father has gone radio silent. And now you've sent Annabeth off on a suicide mission to enter the underworld. It's- It's not safe! The things- The things down there!" Her voice broke as she slumped further into the seat, shaky fingers holding herself steady.

"Pandora." Chiron was stopped with a sharp knock on the door.

"Chiron, you called for me?" Dahlia's cheery voice entered the tense room, and her eyes flickered to frail-like Pandora sat opposite to the centaur. "Pandora, everything alright?" Pandora didn't raise her head rested on her palms.

"Yes I did Miss Emery." Chiron greeted her with a warm smile, "Miss Walker, would like company on the way back to her cabin." Pandora's head shoot up now, Chiron's lies a clear tactic for the girl to reach out.


"Certainly.. come on.. Dora, okay?" Her words blended together as Dahlia helped Pandora to her feet. She didn't need to be told twice wrapping an arm around Pandora leading her from the office. "Pandora, we've been waiting up for you." In the distance she noticed a few teens were still gathered in the amphitheater.

"I'm fine- really- just family drama." The light humour went unnoticed, and Dahlia lead her further done the path towards the lit theater. "Surprised your still—" Pandora didn't finish her sentence, Dahlia shushing her. Pandora knew Dahlia's betray last night was eating her alive. She felt horrid, as if she had betrayed her mother and her best friend in the action.

"Hey!" Luke jogged over to the pair, leaving just the twins and a few others, "Hey Pans, Lia." He made sure to greet Dahlia, who sent Luke a small smile allowing Pandora to stand alone, pacing her way to her boyfriend, Micheal.

Luke had apologised profoundly after their arguement. He blamed pressure from his cabin, she knew different. But she didn't have the effort to argue.

"How'd it go—"

"Tell all of us!" Jerry's voice in the distance brought a small smile to Pandora's lips as Luke snickered wrapping an arm around his girlfriend leading her over. She now could view everyone left in the stands. Chris, Clarisse (Surprising), Heather accompanied by her older brother James and the counsellor of her cabin Silena, Bleckendorf (the counsellor of Hephaestus), the twins, Dahlia and Luke of course.

"Why, you all think I took it don't you." She teased, half serious, half joking, "Join the Dionysus's hate train will you?" She added.

"You're not skilled enough death." Clarisse smirked smugly leaning back on her hands.
Pandora stifled a laugh sitting beside Luke around the fire.

"I've lost contact with the underworld." She admitted softly, "Percy'll be lucky to leave alive, father- Hades is vengeful." She squeezed her eyes shut tensely, beside Luke's hand rested gently on her leg.

"Welcome to the club Pandora." Beckendorf snorted across her the girl, "Not sure if you've heard any stories about my father, did I mention a golden chair, forced marriage." Laughter spread through the group. Pandora hardly had the energy to explain anymore of her awkward situation.

Luke noticed and instead sent Jerry a pleading look. Jerry sprung into action immediately reciting poetry. Terrible poetry at that, but entertaining. Conversations flickered between the group as slowly each teen retreated.

Finally when only the twins, Heather and Dahlia remained, Luke nudged asleep Pandora on his shoulder. She had passed out seconds after Jerry's run with poetry.

She'd be grateful she missed the rest of the conversations, ranging from Chris stirring Clarisse on capture the flag, to James and Heather argueing who had fairer skin. Heather did, according to Jerry anyway.

Finally she stirred and Luke looked across to the others. "Night." He mouthed and the rest of them sent him goodbye waves. Pandora mumbled a few incoherent sentences as Luke helped her to her feet.

"Only a short walk princess, then you can sleep all you want." She nodded wearily rubbing her face tiredly.

"Thank you." Her voice was soft as they continued alone the rocky path. Luke sent her an odd look allowing her to explain further, "For.. For believing me." Guilt split through his insides and he tightened his grip on her waist as they walked.

"Don't." It came out a little harsher than intended, "Don't thank me Pans, I haven't done anything to deserve your thanks." She didn't react much only a few words of comfort as they reached her cabin. "Get some sleep, hmm?" He kissed her cheek as she stumbled into the dark cabin, disappearing for the night.

He couldn't go through with it, he was sure.

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