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"Third place isn't so bad Annabeth." Luke pulled at the young girl's hair beside him, Annabeth swatting his hair, "Just means you'll have to work harder next time." The sat looking over the water below.

"Do you miss her." Annabeth mumbled quietly tossing small stones into the water, Luke sighed softly beside her.

"Yes, I do sometimes." He admitted rubbing his palms together, "It's okay to miss her Annabeth, she was a good friend to us." He comforted the girl, Annabeth tossing stone after stone.

"I think I miss her too. Pandora reminds me of her. Pandora's more feisty though." Luke snickered beginning to pick up his own stones tossing them further than Annabeth's.

"She is." Luke threw his stone further than Annabeth's again, the girl taking it as a challenge, "Still waiting for the chosen one, I heard there's a few more kids Grover's gone to fetch." Annabeth threw a stone further than all others.

"I hope I can go on my quest soon." Annabeth stood stretching her legs pulling her hat from her pocket, "I'll see you later Luke, have fun tormenting Pandora." She grinned before disappearing placing the hat on her head. Luke waited a moment longer as he heard footsteps walk away, Annabeth disappeared.

Luke greeted several people as he passed on his way to the eating hall. He couldn't help it, he loved to make his rounds making sure everyone knew who he was. That's what he envied about Pandora, she didn't care what people thinking, or at least she didn't show it.

His feet stopped as he spotted her in the distance leant against her cabin wall, her nose in a thick book. His feet changed direction heading towards the cabin as he stood on the porch.

"Whatcha reading princess." He hardly missed the flamed finger that met his face as he leant over the reading girl. "That's not very friendly is it?" She ignored him blowing the finger out before returning to flip the page.

Luke answered his own question leaning over the left side of her reading the title, 'The Illiad'. "The stories of Achilles, huh?" He sat beside her clearly not wanted as she shuffled over. "You don't need to read that." He took the book from her fingers shutting it, the girl's eye lighting up angrily. "I can tell you." He raised his eyebrows.

"Can you really?" She muttered sarcastically, "Go on then Castellan, impress me." She leant back on her hands waiting tauntingly.

"Well, it talks about the greats wars right.." Luke begun avoided the roll of her eyes beside him, "Achilles is angry because—

"Because?" She interrupted just to taunt him further, Luke rubbed his jaw thinking further avoiding smiling at her horrible tone.

"Because." He emphasised, "Because the human, the human what's his name?" Pandora stifled a laugh snatching her book with the shake of her hand.

"Hector, or Priam, or Patroclus. Take your pick Luke." His cheeks flushed at his name, the boy pulling himself to his feet after her.
"Don't you have any one else to bother." She stepped off the porch of her cabin, Luke following after her dragging his feet as he walked.

"There's no one else I want to bother more." He held a grin as he followed watching as she flicked her long hair her shoulders. "Have you eaten yet princess." He matched her pace walking beside her, "It's lunch." He offered turning around so he begun walking backwards.

"I'd rather not eat with the likes of you Castellan." Back to last name basis Luke frowned turning back around, "Well I'm hungry, you're coming with me." He didn't give her a choice pulling at her wrist towards the hall. He was surprised she hadn't burnt him by the time he had sat down, pulling her beside him a full plate in front of the pair.

"Still angry about the trials?" Luke questioned his mouth full, as he slid the plate over to her reluctantly Pandora eating some fruit he had grabbed.

"No, Clarisse beat me. She properly deserved it more anyway." She popped a slice of apple in her mouth, Luke watching her every move almost.

"Don't say that, I think you worked hard. Next trials you've have her, and properly Annabeth and I too." He chuckled as the warmth from her leg met his, both teens shuffling away awkwardly.

"I'll beat you for certain." Pandora opened her book again beside Luke, "Don't need more training for that." A smile hung on her lips as her eyes scanned the pages.

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