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"Miss Walker, that scene was highly inappropriate." Chiron scolded, the blood coated girl sat opposite. Pandora stretched her legs lazily in front of her as she turned attention back to Chiron now sat in a wheelchair.

"I thought it was bad ass Chiron, lighten up." Dionysus was around 3 wines in to his day drinking, in some form of bribe Pandora had brought back a bottle of wine for the camp director.

"I apologise Chiron, I do." Pandora rolled her tongue over her teeth thinking of the words to say, "Just looking out for the camp, 'course." She leant back further into her seat, her fingers picking the blood from under nails.

"Where's that mutt of yours." Dionysus glanced around for a moment, the absence of Reaper an odd one. "Quite liked that beast, used to drag me around camp occasionally." He finished avoiding the stern look from Chiron.

"Around, still in the underworld, in camp, who knows does his own thing." Pandora sighed nonchalantly, "Sorry to be a bother Chiron, but I'm rather uncomfortable in my current situation." She referred to the blood peeling from her skin.

"You're dismissed Miss Walker, we shall continue this conversation at a more appropriate time." She stood nodding her head towards the other drunk director pacing from the office. The sun had long set and darkness overcome the camp besides the lights outside the cabins.

Pandora had a mostly silent journey back to her cabin, the only sound crickets in the forests, the occasional howl from wolves.
She ran her finger across the dark outline of her cabin, sighing in relief as she moved through the doorway.

With a flick of her finger, the blue flames hang in the walls of the dimly lit home lit highlighting the patient girl at the top of the stairs, "6 months." Annabeth tutted descending the steps, "You told me 3." Annabeth spat, anger in her tone, however a small smile tugged at her lips.

"I should've stayed long if I knew felt such disgust with my return little warrior." Pandora stated flatly, suddenly Annabeth's hands wrapped around Pandora's waist. Surprised Pandora's arm stayed up unable to wrap the girl in a hug in return. "Annabeth I'm covered in blood." Pandora gently pulled the girl off of her, Annabeth standing back happily.

"I don't care." Pandora revealed the sword holster on her hip for Annabeth to see, "Want to see?" Pandora leant down to meet Annabeth's height the covered sword in her grasp. "Soulsnatcher, father called it." Pandora boasted revealing the dark steel sword, "It lights up like my last one." Annabeth grinned madly examining the shiny sword.

Pandora stood leaning the sword again the wall before opening the door to the cabin, "Alright get lost." Annabeth smirked as she snuck out of the cabin, leaving Pandora to shower in peace. It took her at least an hour before all the blood had flushed down the drain, her hair freshly washed the first in weeks.

In nothing but a towel, she trailed back to her cabin changing into a sports bra and pyjama shorts. She wasn't planning on sleeping for a while anyway. She pulled herself through the window of the cabin, boosting herself up a step as she scaled the roof. Tiles slid from the roof as she dangerously weaved her way towards the middle of the tiled roof.

Finally she collapsed against the tiles in the middle of the roof her head resting against the uncomfortable material. She watched the night sky shift, from the stars till the moon shifting she watched intently.

She felt time slip from her fingertips as she watched the moon slowly descend, causing the first gaps of sun peek through the surface. Before others were awake she crossed the camp heading straight for the archery fields.

She hardly wanted to reunite with anyone since getting back, Annabeth being the exception. She could sit in silence with the girl and still ignore the world.

She retrieved the first bow in the shed, pulling an arrow back.

....You're weak...

Thud. An arrow pierced the middle of the target. The sun just rose as she drew another. Never again would she miss. Thud.
He'd trained her better than that.

Thud. She grew board after going through her arrows twice. The sun had already risen leaving most students heading towards the mess hell.

Pandora didn't plan on joining the festivities. She had one task. Kill the girl.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now