579 16 0

May 2006

"Fuck!" Pandora scrambled from his grip, her back hitting the headboard. For the third time of the week, Hade's voice filled her head in nightmares. Pleading, begging her to return to the underworld, join forces with her father.

"Pans." He pushed himself from the mattress squeezing his eyes shut tiredly, "You okay?" He inched closer to her, calloused hands on her waist. She nodded wearily wiping her face once over, ensuring the tears had dried from the dreadful nightmare.

"My father again. Insisting the underworld is under threat.. something- something about his Helm- or Helmet." He brushed her stray hairs back sitting up properly beside her. "Nothing.." She sighed, "Nothing that concerns me." She brought him closer joining their lips delicately.

"I hope it is, gods know he deserves it." She laughed under her breath, Luke pulling himself up and off the bed. "Come on princess, sun's almost up." With a yank he pulled her closer to the edge of the bed.

Pandora sent him a dirty look before she stood beside him, handing him his shirt as she moved past. "I hate Fridays." She stretched pacing down the stairs. Fridays meant capture the flag. Are's cabin had won the past few weeks and frankly the gloating was driving Pandora crazy.

"If you'd only listen to Annabeth, we wouldn't be losing as much." He teased avoiding her swatting hand. The beads across her neck twisted in her fingers, she'd received three so far, Luke now having 6 beads.

"I get distracted, Min me prokalis! (Don't provoke me!)" She laughed opening the door allowing what little light crossed the camp into their view. The pair were up early, only for Luke to wake the rest of his cabin being the counsellor of Cabin 11.

"I'll catch you a minute Pans." His fingers lingered on her waist a moment longer before he disappeared towards Cabin 11, two down from hers. Pandora didn't wait up walking away from the cabins and towards the mess hall.

Breakfast would served soon, soon after campers beginning to exit their cabins. Pandora made one stop before she left, walking further into the dark forest. She had pocketed the things she needed before she had left the cabin, placing the curious black object on the floor.

The device emitted a dark shadow above, with the toss of a drachma, Pandora's disgruntled father appearing. "Child! What do you—" He seethed cut off with Pandora's snark.

"Leave me alone father, bad enough I talk to you once a week. Get out of my head."
She spat angrily, heat radiating off her skin.
Hades produced a wicked smirk at her clear annoyance, sitting further in the throne that was being projected.

"Now that the prophecy had passed you daughter, you must return to the underworld." She scowled running a blackened hand through her flamed hair, flames entangled through strands.

"Must I?" She refused to be afraid of her father further, "I agreed to none of the sort." Hades couldn't last mad at his daughter long, it was what he would say.

"There is a darkness coming daughter." He huffed, "Something has been stolen, something powerful." She suddenly become intrigued, Hades wasn't lying about the helmet. "A war will be fought no less, you must stop it." Pandora laughed loud, directly in the face of the Lord of the Underworld.

"Stop- Stop the war!" She wheezed through her breathy laugh, "Coming from the God of Death is rich." She took a step back as Hades lurched forward his pupils darkening.

"I have my reasons. Ensure the boy lives and the war is stopped, we are at capacity, more dead mortals does not benefit us daughter." Pandora failed to get another word in, Hades with the click of his fingers the portal disappearing.

With a few angry breathes she calmed herself down returning to central camp. By the time she made it to the mess hell, most of her table had filled. The twins, Dahlia, Luke and Annabeth and Rhea sat beside a new addition to the group, Heather.

Heather was Rhea's older sister, same age as both the twins and Luke. She'd only been claimed recently living her life fairly normally in Los Angeles, till a monster got into her fancy boarding school. Being Aphrodite's child, frankly Heather loved herself.

"Don't touch." She slapped Jerry's hand away from the mirror displayed flat on the table in front of Heather.

"Oh come on love—" Worse, Jerry had been embrassing himself for months fawning over the girl. Every sentence she spoke it seemed Jerry would melt into his seat.

"Hey, where'd you go." She slid into her spot beside Luke, his hand gently rested on her waist. "Jerry's been talking Heather's ear off." He smirked as the pair continued conversing, Dahlia bright pink with second hand embarrassment. She was whispering to Micheal furiously, somewhat convincing him to put his brother out of his misery.

"Just sending Reaper back to the underworld." The lie slipped from her lips.
Luke didn't know about her weekly chats with her father. He'd flip. Besides since the events the previous year, Luke had been on edge. Tenser then he usual was, more hateful.

"Pandora." Her name was sung from Dahlia's lips as the girl shoved her way opposite to the girl, moving Jerry and Micheal over somewhat. "You'd never guess what I heard down the grapevine." More gossip spilled from Dahlia's mouth.

Pandora tried her best to listen to the endless gossip, picking at her breakfast aimlessly. "Lia." The girl stopped to take a breath, "Capture the flag tonight, what's our tactic." There was only one thing Dahlia hated more than mortals harming nature, capture the flag.

Brutal and Barbaic. She'd typically describe it. However it was the best way to get Dahlia, to quieten down. They all loved her girl and her never ending rants, but sometimes it hit everyone's nerves.

"Well- Well.. you know how-" Micheal stood from beside her, retrieving a plate of food. He returned whispering a few things to her as she reacted his actions, the pair burning the best of their food for the gods.

"Nice tactic princess." Luke snickered from beside her turning away from the conversation, Rhea had roped him and Annabeth into to. "Spar with me? I'll tell the
others to take the day off?" He offered Pandora shaking her head.

"They need to train if we want to win tonight." He sighed knowing she was right. They were determined to win.

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