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Luke frowned as approached the table watching Pandora hurry off, as if she were avoiding him. Nevertheless, he sat beside the twins leaning over to Rhea over the table.

"Rhea, get some real food." He shook his head noticing she had pulled her usual grabbing onto the sweet things served, cakes and biscuits. The 8-year-old shot him a dirty look standing to fetch different good, Dahlia seemingly fidgeting.

"Alright spill it Lia, what's got you so fidgety." Across the table Luke noticed Micheal eyeing her worriedly. He knew Dahlia was hiding something, he could always she couldn't help herself.

"Nothing, a bit under the weather Dahls, aren't we." Dahlia nodded at Micheal's words, avoiding Luke's stare. "Besides more important matters, we haven't even celebrated our victory, capture the flag two years in a row baby." Jerry beside Micheal flexed cheesily.

"I suggest drinks on the beach, just the older kids." Jerry leaned in somewhat distracting Luke, from fidgetting Dahlia across from him, "Tonight, it's Friday is it not?" Dahlia nodded eagerly.

"It's Friday, I say we should do it. We're not going to be young forever." She boasted calming herself down from spreading secrets, "I can tell the cabins next to me and Luke does the same, that means Mr D won't find out." Rhea sat back down causing the teams to shut up about their plans.

"Why'd Pandora leave?" Dahlia stiffened Micheal exhaling subtlety again, "What's wrong? Is she upset?" Luke's mind raced looking between Micheal and Dahlia again, "Dahlia." The girl looked to Micheal, a pleased expression on her face.

"Guess I'll find out for myself." Luke stood irritated following after the direction Pandora had left moments before. He tilted his head for a moment viewing the argument that had broke out Micheal and Dahlia, Jerry diffusing the situation.

He knew she had retreated to her cabin, it was only a matter of time before his fist met her door knocking a few times. The clattering of objects sounded within before she pulled the door open slightly. "Luke, what's—" He pushed the door open sliding in before shutting it behind him.

"What's wrong? Why'd you leave?" She blinked confused a few times taking a step back so the teens weren't so close. "Dahlia wouldn't tell me but there must be something wrong, you wouldn't just leave like that." She looked confused at Luke's worried tone, her hands fidgeting with the ends of her hair.

"Why're so worried? I just wanted some time alone, that's it Castellan?" She seemed genuinely confused, providing some comfort for the boy.

"So what's Dahlia hiding then?" He wasn't fully convinced, searching around the cabin for any possible clues.

"I'm not sure, but I don't think it's to do with me." Pandora shrugged turning back around to ascend the stairs, inviting Luke after her. "You're very sceptical Castellan, what's bothering you so much." She paced across her room restacking a set of books she had splayed across another one of the empty beds in the cabins.

"Nothing, nothing, just thought you were upset or something." He rubbed his jaw tense, hardly keeping up his unconcerned facade.

"Not upset Luke, as you can see." She crossed the room kneeling beside the huge beast she called her pet, Reaper eyeing Luke from his spot. "Just came to see Reaper." She shrugged petting the devilish creature, Luke narrowing his eyes at the scene.

"We're having drinks tomorrow night for our flag victory.. coming?" He looked hopeful, concern still in brows as he tried to understand the situation.

"Is that your pathetic idea of an invite?" His concern quickly shifted as finally a grin tugged at his lips, Pandora's hands running through Reaper's fur opposite him.

"I suppose it is princess, intrigued?" She scoffed under her breath standing beside the hound.

"Perhaps." She moved past Reaper, her hands gripping Luke's wrist lightly as she led him back down the stairs. "Perhaps I'll even drink this time, we will see." She reached the front door still holding onto his wrist, her other hand opening the door.

"We will see." Luke saluted her as she released his wrist, leaving the dark cabin.

TONGUES & TEETH; Luke Castellan [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now